Sequel: When We Remembered
Status: Active

Remembering To Forget

Then All At Once You Have To Say Goodbye

A small tear fell from his pale face, hitting the cold floor. He himself was too ashamed to even make eye contact with myself. I stood their impatiently awaiting his answer to my question. I suspected it, But I never actually thought he would cheat. I had faith in him, and he clearly played me better than a deck of cards. Thinking back, It all made sense.

“Whitney Darling, Do you mind go checking if Nicholas’ room is tidy? Guests are coming over tonight.” Denise’s sweet voice asked, as I nodded slowly walking up the familiar stairs. Approaching his bedroom, it almost looked like Joe’s; A mess. I made his bed, throwing his dirty clothes in his hamper. A shiny golden bracelet caught my eye, shimmering on his bedside. Along it was a pair of earrings, both seemingly unfamiliar to me.

“Whit?” A small voice whispered, as I looked up to see Nick in a towel, slowly closing his door. A smile arose on his face, his lips slowly colliding with my own. Giggling slightly, i pushed him away, handing him some clothes to wear. His eyes slowly diverted to his bedside, his eyes growing seemingly.

“I’ll be right back.” He smiled, pecking me one more time. Sighing I slid the jewelry in the draw, confusion still lingering in my own head.

“I met her in July last year, after the premiere of Keeping It Together.” He whispered slowly, my heart dropping even deeper into my stomach.

“8 Fucking months? What just because I wouldn’t be your little sex toy, you went and slept around with the biggest skank on the face of this damn Earth?” I Questioned forcefully, the tears flowing back. Quickly wiping them away, I grabbed my books, holding them firmly against my chest.

“Whitney I-” He started before I pushed him away from myself, his back hitting the wall with a thud.

“Nicholas, I’m done speaking with you. Go fool some other girl, because I am done with playing your games. You know everything I’ve gone through. I had nothing Nick, and i thought you liked me for me, not for my fame. I fell for your damn spell and I will never forgive you for it. Your just like all of the other jackasses i’ve dated. I won’t shed another tear for your sorry ass. Are you happy now? Have a nice life.” I spat at him, Slamming the studio’s doors.

My face was damp, though no tears flowed anymore. I let the cord go, their was no more hanging on. I was free once again, no more strings attached.

Grabbing a taxi, I quickly arrived at my apartment, walking into the dark room slowly. Flicking the lights on, I set my purse on the kitchen table, inhaling deeply. The presence was welcome, Unlike the usual dreaded pity I’d felt only hours before. I walked into my room, Grabbing a blue velvet box from my closet. I grabbed the scrapbooks, all of the memories. Any trace of him was thrown into that box, The box I hoped not to open for a while. Grabbing the necklace bits that were in a bag, the Ones that Juliana had saved only months ago. Throwing them in, I smiled proudly. After hours of filling the bin, I smiled, writing Nicholas in neat cursive. Putting it on a high shelf in my closet, I smiled, feeling a new sense of freedom.

Grabbing my phone, i quickly dialed a number and pushed it firmly to my ear.

“Hello?” A voice asked, as i grabbed my guitar and purse, heading out the door. Unlocking my car in the garage parking lot, i slipped in letting the engine roar to life.

“I’m ready, meet me at the studio in 10.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, but I didn’t want to put it together with another POV.

My dears, this story is coming to an end, no more than 7 chapters left. But i promise It’ll be worth wile.

Comments make my day.
