Sequel: When We Remembered
Status: Active

Remembering To Forget

Wondering, Could You Stay My Love?

The piano played softly in the background, her dark curls visible through the recording booth. John’s head was bobbing along with my own, his hands moving along the sound board. It was perfect, and hadn’t even taken more than four hours. It came straight from the heart, I wasn’t hiding anything anymore.

“Perfect, I think we got it Whitney. A few more edits with the music, and I think you two can start recording the lyrics. We can lay this down tonight.” He smiled, as I nodded, meekly stepping into the booth.

“Alright Demi, we’re ready, Whitney is in the other room, good luck girls.” He spoke through the speakers, myself talking a deep breath. Their was no going back, this was it.

“I’m Ready.”

~ & & ~

“i’m here with Whitney Justice, here to announce some very exciting news!” Ryan Secrest spoke into the microphone, a Smile planted firmly on my pink lips.

“Yes, yes I am.” I giggled slightly, my leg bouncing under the table. It had been only two weeks since I’d rid him from my life, Two weeks since recording a song. Life had been full speed since then, everything just seeming to fall into place. I had no regrets, and I had moved on. I didn’t dare turn on my computer, or touch a magazine. Nothing could stop me now.

“So rumor has it, There is going to be a cruel breakup collaboration song coming from you?” Ryan smirked making me laugh. He makes everything sound worse than it is.

“I couldn’t say cruel Ryan. I am just speaking the truth in this song, No strings attached.” I clarified.

“Any sappy breakup songs in store?” he pushed as I played along, his face inching closer.

“I wrote two over the course of this year, But as of now, I am not sure of any type of release on my next CD, but this song will be my first single off of it.” I informed into the microphone.

“Tell us about this CD miss Justice.” He smiled, making me giggle even more. Heck, mine as well.

“It’s confirmed tracks haven’t been finalized just yet, But the title is Over It, and it’s going to be a deep-cut relationship CD, I’m collecting my best from the years past. It’s been fun to write, and I hope my fans will like it.” I nodded, playing with the bracelets that hung on my wrist. A small gasp escaped my mangers lips, her eyes widening at the screen in front of her. Bodies flew into the room, Ryan cutting off the air putting on one of my singles. I was beyond confused, as Two security guards were by my side, talking into they're walkie talkies.

“Grab the SUV, we have to get out of here as soon as possible.” Linda confirmed as Judy grabbed me by the arm, the large men surrounding me. What could possibly be going on.

I was quickly thrown into a large black SUV, my crew climbing in as well. Linda grabbed her laptop, setting it on my own. Confusion set in as she pressed play on the video.

The darkness from the video lightened, My eyes widening at the sight. It was Nick and I in the recording room, my mouth running miles a minute. My back was to the camera, my yelling clear from the sound.

“8 Fucking months? What just because I wouldn’t be your little sex toy, you went and slept around with the biggest skank on the face of this damn Earth?”

Tears rolled down my cheeks, every word I’d said had been recorded, and had over 3 million hits already. I quickly shut the computer not able to bear anymore of that difficult night.

“Who did this? How did they even get into that room?” I cried silently, Judy’s arm wrapped along my shoulders. She just sighed, shrugging.

“Whitney, your 22. You can’t keep acting like a child.” Cracking my knuckles silently, I drifted away in my mind, the echoing of his voice still lingering.

[ & & ]

Sitting back in my New Jersey bedroom, I drowned in The Fray, longing to forget the past weeks. She was gone, and I wasn’t getting her back. It was the end. Closing my eyes slowly I thought back.

“Nick!” Whitney squealed lightly, giggles erupting from her throat. Smiling, My hands kept tickling her stomach, both of us rolling on my bedroom floor. Her lips captured mine, attempting to distract me. Smiling, I kissed back lightly, slowly pulling away from her.

“Your lucky I love you.” She mumbled slightly, getting up off of the floor. Smirking, I grabbed her waist slowly, pulling her body closer to mine.

“Your beautiful Whit, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” I mumbled into her neck, leaving a sweet kiss on her weak spot. Smiling back, she thanked me lowly, pressing her soft pink lips against my own.

Sighing, I pushed my head deeper into my pillow, trying to forget everything that had ever happened.

♠ ♠ ♠
Overdueeee. Think back to last chapter... who do you think recorded the whole conversation? ;]

This is slowly coming to an end, but we’re not quite they’re yet. Miley still has some things up her sleave, along with Mandy.

Nick is FINALLY coming to realize everything he actually did to Whitney... ! hehe.

Comments make me smile :D

OH and btw, Whiteny is a blonde, not a brunette. I originally planned it that way, but I changed it due to a commenter. Whitney isn’t Demi. just wanted to clarify that.
