Sequel: When We Remembered
Status: Active

Remembering To Forget

Cause She’s Gone,

“Whitney, John wants you immediately in his office,” Judy’s voice rang through my recording room, my head immediately snapping up. John only had people brought to his office for immediate news. Oh god.

“I’ll be there in a minute.” I piped up, quickly cleaning the paperwork spread out all over the wooden oak table. This could not be good. With all the negative rumors flying around, I was praying nothing would affect my contract. We had started a new CD in the works last week, It would kill me if everything ended. Finding Judy’s slim figure tapping her foot in the hallway, I nervously bit my lip as we started walking towards the elevator.

The ride was noiseless, tension sitting in the air. What in the world could this possibly be about? We both quickly exited the elevator, walking towards the large door just at the end of the hall. Knocking once, his assistant nicely answered the door, telling us to take a seat in his office. The walls were a warming tan, his desk the neatest I’d seen all day. He surly had everything put together.

“Ah, Whitney darling! How are we on this fine day?” John grinned, swiftly sitting in his large leather chair. Forcing a smile, I caught Judy looking at me in the knick of my eye.

“Swell John.” I answered, causing him to laugh loudly. He knew exactly what I was going through at that moment. The pain i’d been feeling all of this time, the shame hidden behind the smile. He could tell just from my eyes.

“Your not in trouble Whitney, But we do need one favor from you.” He told me calmly, causing my stomach to turn. I already had a feeling that it was going to be something I would not want to do. Nodding as calmly as I could, he eyed my expression carefully.

“Were trying to bring back up good press for you,” He paused, his eyes trailing over to Judy’s sceptic facial expression. How long is this going to take to get to the god damn point? I couldn’t take the tension anymore.

“Just tell my John, I promise to do whatever you say.” I pleaded as my leg bounced on the hardwood floors repeatedly.

“Your going to preform at Miley’s Can’t Be Tamed release party.” He told me as I groaned sitting back into the leather chair. Wasn’t my video being released onto the internet enough embarrassment? I mean seriously.

“Miley wants you to preform a new song, so get started.” He said firmly, Judy quickly scribbling notes into her binder. Murmering bye to John, I quickly stepped out of his office, walking over to their Studio. Knocking loudly, there was some shuffling before an answer to the door.

“I need your help.”

[ & & ]

Miley’s arm had a strong hold on my own, so tight I swear she was cutting off my circulation. Tonight was her release party for Can’t Be Tamed and hell it for sure explained everything about her. Her outfit literally covered nothing which resulted in Man Whores staring at her the entire night. Her new songs blazed through the club, stars around every corner.

Perez Hilton was here tonight, and I was trying my best to stay as far as I could. Demi had been ignoring me once again, hanging around with the one girl I feared the most.

Her dress was short and pink, small sparkles scattered all around it. Her hair was shorter, and for some reason she seemed like a new person. She stayed with the gang of We The Kings most of the night. Did she really get over me that easily? It killed me to even think about her, my brain aching at the thought.

Through it all, I somehow still loved her more than I had before. Being apart somehow drew me into her trap more, but this time she wouldn’t let me through. She was moving on, and whether I like it or not, I would have to too.

She was slowly slipping from my grip, as she forgot more and more about me. Did she still feel the spark we once had when we kissed? The way our bodies fit perfectly together on cold winter nights as we cuddled all night?

I sure as hell did. Actually, I couldn’t get them out of my mind. She somehow took over my whole brain, down to the last cell. She was embedded in me, and I had no idea how to get her out.

“Hey can I get your autograph?” a loud voice came from behind me, my eyebrow cocking. Who in the hell would want my autograph? Oh right. I broke the heart one of the most famous female singers in the world. Scribbling my name down on the paper, I quickly exited the scene, before any more creeps tried to get close to me.

Before I knew it, claws grabbed my arm, practically knocking me down on the ground.

“Nickkkyyyy, meet Perezziee.” Miley slurred, the internet sensation immediately at my side pestering me with questions. God kill me now.

“Everyone please file outside for a special performance!” the loud speakers sounded, grasping everone’s attention. Bodies shoved themselves off of the dance floors, stepping over the unconscious bodies laying on the ground.

Sighing, I took the long stairs down to the main floor, laughter echoing through the flights of stairs. I passed by Jordian Sparks on the way, as she sent me a warm smile. At least someone didn’t hate me.

Finally reaching the ground level, people filed out to the grass, where a large stage was set in the middle. Three seats and Microphones were set up on the stage, the lights centering between the three.

“I can’t wait to hear there song! It’s going to be the sickest collaborations in the history of collaborations.” A vey loud girl I might add screamed from behind me. Borrowing my eyebrows, I glanced over at the stage and saw her.
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gahh late update i know. I have been stalling this for like weeks now, Because I need a song that would like match for her to sing about Nick... but I can’t find one.

If you guys knew one, It would be a huge weight off my shoulders, and the update would come faster.


I want to tell you, or show you, but you see it would ruin the whole story right now, so you’ll just have to wait until the Epiolouge.

Any guesses?

Anyway, the group she is preforming with or more like duet group isn’t signed with Hollywood Records anymore, but they were like a year ago so oh well.

Here is your hint to the group!

Can you feel it, can you feel it, rushing through your hair, rushing through your hair

haha :P




Without you, this story couldnt’ have gone anywhere. THANK YOU SO MUCH!