Sequel: When We Remembered
Status: Active

Remembering To Forget

The Waking Up Is The Hardest Part

“Whitney, open the damn door!” Juliana’s vociferously yelled, as the banging became louder. I stayed unspoken, looking out the moonlit sky. A smashed diamond necklace lay next to my small frail body, the little pieces sparkling in the sky.

The fridge sat empty, the counters a mess. Bowls of ice-cream scattered the apartment, The Notebook continuously playing n the opposing room.

The only light was underneath the apartment door; the moon laying dead center in the dark sky. Dust collected on the unused items along the living room, only visible with the minimum light given.

“How long are you going to stay in there? He’s gone Whit. There’s nothing you can do about it now.” she whispered, though I could hear her loud and clear.

A small sigh escaped my pursed lips as I held in the tears that wanted to flow. Soon enough, I knew I’d have to return to work, for the company would find me.

Silently walking over to the door, I unlocked the hatch, holding Juliana outside. I hesitantly opened the apartment door, as she walked into darkness. She swiftly came in, switching on the lights.

“Hon, look what he is doing to you,” she frowned, embracing my cold body against her warm one. There I stood, emotionally a wreck. My body let go as sobs filled the room. My legs wobbled, as my body shook.

I stood and cried on her shoulder, the world revolved around me.


“Nicholas, if you don’t mind, I would like you to listen to your father.” My mother murmured, grasping my attention, bringing me back to reality. I hadn’t seen my parents in months, though I acted like I could give a shit. There was too many things on my mind at that moment; unable to even sit down for a meal with my brothers who too returned from there busy collage lives.

Sighing, I scooped some food, shoving it into my mouth. She was everywhere, on the magazines and across TV’s screens hourly. It seemed as she was haunting me in a way, making me regret the painful decision I’d made only weeks before.

“Dude what the hell is wrong with you?” Joe whispered, as my parents made small talk amongst each other. I just sighed as he rolled his eyes, looking me dead in the eye.

“Nick, you broke up with her. Suck it up and forget her.” he whispered once again, this time more hostile. Having enough of him, I quickly removed myself from the oak table, sitting down on my old bed. Painful memories flooded my mind from the last time I’d been here.

She always sat on the ledge of the small window in the corner, admiring the stars amongst the sky. She fascinated by the twinkling beauties, barley ever catching a glimpse in the busy city of Los Angeles.

My breath caught in my throat as a particular frame, glistening in the moonlight. Almost as if in a bright spotlight, it stood out like a sore thumb.

We were young rambunctious teenagers, smiling like the sunshine in the middle of summer. Two thousand ten seemed like forever ago, seventeen a long way back into my dreaded history.

My Adam Apple bopping, I slowly walked up to it, slamming it against the wood, the glass shuddering, just barely making a crack along the memory.

Running my hand through my curls, I sighed, rubbing my temples, longing to forget her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eyo Loves!!

I was thrilled when i saw the subscribers with only the summary & prologue up!!!! Fourteen is like huge!

Well obviously there both broken hearted. I am not sure if i am going to keep having both POV's in... give me some feedback if you like it or not!

Comment me please, i would love it!
