Sequel: When We Remembered
Status: Active

Remembering To Forget

You Roll Outta Bed, Down On Your Knees


Pens and paper scattered the tables and floors along with empty coffee cups. The clock was ticking furiously, distracting myself from the task given.

A guitar sat noiseless in the corner waiting impatiently, wanting to be strummed. A light knock on the wooden door diverted my attention, as my music director head barely peaked through the dimly lit room.

His face was almost in shock as he looked around the cluttered room. Silently stepping in, he sat down next to me speechless. He picked up a couple of the crumpled notes, opening them very carefully.

He scanned over one particular set of lyrics before picking up the guitar strumming a tune.

I've been bruised and I've been broken,

Can't believe that I put up with all this pain

he paused, waiting for me to continue. Scanning over my unfinished song, i took a deep breath before continuing.

I've been used and I was choking on the promise

I would never fall again (umm)

Fading out, he looked between myself and the lyrics questionably.

“Whit, all these started songs are brilliant. What is really?” he whispered as i sat back, letting a silent tear fall.

“I, i just can’t seem to write about this one thing. it is too hard.” i murmured, another tear escaping my eye. He never seemed to go away, a sticky note always in one place, never moved.

His face flushed with understanding, cracking his quickly knuckles. He kissed my forehead lightly whispering good luck in my ear. he got up slowly, the couch rising somewhat.

i nodded, sending him a half smile before the door was closed. Picking up the pen once again, i sat tapping it against the white blank lines.

[& &]

Nicholas sat silently, a thunderstorm erupting, shaking the house slightly. Music boomed throughout, drunks roaming the crowded living room.

What the hell was he doing here? good question. I was never the one to get drunk or so drugs like most of adolescence in my school.

I needed to forget her, even if it screwed up one night. Warily taking the red cup in my hand, i put it up to my lips.

Instantly, my throat burned, swallowing hard. Swigging some more, my muscles relaxed, a smile plastered on my face. An hour, 3 cups and 2 games of beer pong later my cup was once again empty

Walking, or as in my case stumbling to the kitchen, i quickly poured some more vodka into my cup.

“Hey there.” a sweet voice came from behind. Turning slowly, i was faced with a beautiful brunette. She had many similarities to her he swore the could’ve been sisters. The only difference was her bright green eyes, shimmering in the light.

I was beyond drunk, not able to think clearly. She went at his waist, swinging them lightly together. He pressed his lips lightly to hers, his hand trailing up her short skirt.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eyo Loves!!!!

Please Comment. They make my day(:

Merry Belated Christmas!
