Sequel: When We Remembered
Status: Active

Remembering To Forget

No She’s Not, Cause She’s Gone, Gone, Gone, Gone, Gone

“And were now on air with the beautifully talented Whitney Justice!” Ryan Secrest exclaimed into his golden microphone, the on air light getting brighter, blinking.

“It’s nice to be here Ryan.” I said quietly, giving him a weak smile. Light rain was falling, the sun of LA vanished under big grey monsters. Their were a handful of rumbles, the Winter season kicking in.

“So, lets get to it then.” Ryan replied, an assistant shuffling through papers; a phone attached to her small ear. Picking at my black nail polish, I was nervous as hell. Pictures surfaced of that night, and it was all over the magazines. I knew he was going to ask, and my friggin manager wanted for me to clean up all the rumors.

“Last time you were here, you hinted that you were seeing someone...” He trailed off, my stomach turning like cartwheels.

“I’m completely single.” I clarified, hoping he would leave the subject. Ryan was a good person and all, but he didn’t need to know every little detail of my damn love life.

He nodded, his assistant drotting the words I’d said. Putting my head up, I held in any emotions that wanted to release.

“Well, pictures have surfaced of you Leaving New Jersey, almost after arriving.” He asked suspiciously . Chuckling a little, I took a deep breath, nodding.

“I was visiting a friend, and I had twisted my ankle, causing the pain I was in.” I lied clearly, as Ryan stared at me. I just looked at him back, as if asking him to get off the subject.

“And we’ll be back with Whitney Justice!” He said into the microphone, taking of the microphones. The light faded, making me sigh in relief, sitting back in my chair.

“Ryan, I think that will be enough on that particular subject.” My manger told him, handing me a water.

“Thanks.” I whispered closing my eyes tightly.

[ & & ]

“Nicky come on.” Miley whined, dragging me into Hollywood Records. Her fake pink nails dug into my wrist, causing me to wince slightly. It had been like this for a week, she was obsessed. I had gone everywhere with her, Even having to hold up her feet while her toenails were drying.

I was already sick of her, she was clearly a whore. She dressed like a hooker, and apparently it was her “new image” after leaving Disney. Her parents had lost control of her, I mean she even did pot behind there backs.

“Nick?” An excited voice whispered, causing Miley to stop dead in her tracks. Looking behind me, i was quickly embraced tightly.

“Oh hi Demi.” Miley rolled her eyes, pushing us apart. She scoffed at Miley, her hand instantly on her hip.

“What are you doing here?” She asked, sending a smile my way. Smiling back, I opened my mouth before getting cut off.

“He’s here with me.” Miley snarled, Demi taking at least 5 steps back. I was practically loosing circulation on my left arm, her death grip becoming tighter than before.

“Calm down, I um, know him.” she said looking down, turing her head away from us. She was her best friend, alt east they were. We all lost contact, ever since the incident.

I knew she would hate me, If she’d known what I’d done. Shaking my head, I was once again dragged, her evil layer coming in view, MILEY CYRUS printed on a gold star. Thrown in the room, she slammed the door shut, looking at me with angry eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello all you amazing readers! I know this is super late, but I have been really busy with my other story A Beautiful Catastrophe.

Comment please ? I want to know you’re all still here.!
