Bleach: On Elemental Wings

Chapter 1: Life of Shakira

When a spirit crosses over to the other side, the Soul Society, they lose all memories of their life in the world of the living. They start a new life in the Soul Society either as a Soul Reaper or they’re just there. I’m not like any of them. I remember everything. I remember everything about my life and how I died.
I remembered being born with great power. Unfortunately I remember that power also destroyed everything, including my life, my friends, and my family. That power took the life of the boy I loved. But I can not complain too much, we’re together again. Even if we don’t see each other often we still are connected together by heart and soul.
There is a elite forces of soul reaper that are higher up in rank then any of the 13 Court Squads, even the captions. They are know as Central 46. I am Head Captain Shakira Corygima of Central 46. There where five squads, each under the name of a mystic beast. My squad symbol is the symbol for dragon surrounded by the nine elemental symbols. My squad and I have taken up base in the world of the living. Returning to the Soul Society only when needed. We have moved into the house where I had lived in when I was alive. It was the only building left standing after my powers destroyed the peaceful village of Karakura 1589 years ago.
My tale starts the day I was born.

1604 years ago, the day I was born was a strange day in the history of my village. The dragon spirit Taitidrumaru, Lord of the elements came before me and became one with my spirit. He is the ruler of the nine elemental dragons fire, water, wind, ice, earth, lightening, light, dark, and spirit. Hyorinmaru, the elemental dragon of ice was present at the same time. He also connected his soul to that of a soul of a boy born two days before.
But there was also another elemental dragon there, who hid in the shadows for he was not invited. Keitaro the dark dragon had plan to join souls with me but was forced back by Hyorinmaru. Therefore he was to late. Taitidrumaru had already became one with my soul. But Keitaro did not hide his spiritual pressure well enough, Taitidrumaru sealed him in the statue that honored him on the hill over looking the village as punishment for defying him. There Keitaro remains, his statue black as nigh.
I soon was the most sacred thing to our village. The other children became jealous and started ganging up on me. But that didn’t bother me, I had my brother Shino, my best friend Toshiro, and my dog Kantaru. They where all ways by my side.
I was thirteen the day Kantaru was killed. We had been down by the river, when Shino and a group of kids came along. I smiled at my brother, but for some reason he didn’t smile back.
“What’s wrong brother?" I asked.
“What is this I hear about you having the power to see the dead?” He looked down his nose at me.
“I don’t know what you are talking about.” It was true, I did have the power to see spirits. But I was afraid to tell the people of my village. That ability was said to be that of an evil spirit.
“Don’t lie to me!” He slapped me across the face. I fell to the ground from the force. Kantaru started growling at Shino.
“Why brother did you hit me?” I cried out to him.
“You are lying to me. You are afraid to tell the truth, for that you must be punished!” He grabbed a branch and started beating me with it.
“Stop it brother!” I cried to him to stop, but he wouldn’t.
“Tell the truth little sister! Tell me about your power!” He hit me harder. Kantaru growled and leaped at Shino. His teeth sank in to my brothers shoulder. “Get of me beast!” He tried shaking the dog off, but Kantaru was going any where.
Kantaru dragged Shino to the ground and snapped at his throat. I sat there and watched the dog kill my brother, the other kids ran back towards the village. I was to shaken up to do anything but sit there and stare at my brothers body.
I didn’t even budge when the villagers came to see what had happened. My father, the village leader was angered at the scene before him. My mother wept at over my brothers body. I stayed where I was with my head bowed, trying not at look at the despair villagers.
“The dog must be killed!” My father said. I looked up at him with a blank look.
“Shakira! You cant let that happen!” Toshiro ran to my side. He was in love with me, as I was with him.
“Its what must be done.” I said with no expression in my voice. Every care I had for Kantaru was gone. He had killed my only brother.
“What are saying? Kantaru was trying to protect you!” Toshiro grabbed by my komodo. I winched in pain.
“It is what must be done.” I said again with the same expressionless voice.
“Some one hand me a sword.” My father ordered. A sword was placed in his hand. “Hold the dog.”
One of the village men held Kantaru down. The dog looked at me with pleading eyes. I looked away when my father cut of his head. I winched from his painful yelp as the sword cut through his spinal cord.
“Why didn’t you stop him? You have to power! Why did you let Kantaru die?” Toshiro asked through his tears.
I didn’t answer him. Instead a got to my feet and walked back to the village alone.

“You must give her time Toshiro. Having seen her brother killed has caused her pain.” I heard my father tell Toshiro.
“It has been two years since Shino has died. Shakira never comes out of her room. What is she afraid of, the villagers, or the painfulness of guilt!” Toshiro growled in anger. “You just sit there and let the pain and depression eat away her soul! What she needs is some one there to tell her that no one blames her, that if it was not for Kantaru she may be dead too!”
“Shakira can take care of herself. She does not need my help. The power that is with in her gives her strength, same as you.” My father said with out any care.
“How pitiful, her own father cares not if she is dead of alive. Am I the only one that does?!” Toshiro started to slide open my door.
“Do what you want of her. She my be my child, but when has she ever been of much help? She doesn’t even know how to use her powers, how pitiful. I have no need of her.”
“YOU! You blame her for Shino’s death. H was always your favorite. He was going to take your spot as leader, because he was your only son. You did not want a daughter, you wanted another son, so Shino would have some one to compete with. You are a monster!” Toshiro walked into my room and shut the door with a forceful bang.
“Hello Toshiro…” I said with out removing eyes from the window.
“Shakira you need to get over with your depression!” Toshiro still had anger in his voice.
“I have been over it for a year and a half now.” I rose from my place by the window.
“If that is true then why have you mot step foot out of your room for two years?” Toshiro questioned.
“I have been training, teaching my self how to control my powers, take a look at this.” I held my hand out flat. a ball of made up of all the elements formed in my hand and started spinning. This is how I spend my day, getting strong. I have the feeling that I need too. Something is going to happen that my powers will be needed for.”
“How can you be sure?” Toshiro held his hand out to me, wanting me to take it. I did.
“I have seen things. I have seen things just out side my window, that other people cant see. The souls of departed villagers.”
“What?! You told your brother that you did not have the power!” Toshiro looked at me with a shocked expression.
“I knew that if I told him he would kill me. Shino was like that, he feared all that he thought was evil.” I closed my eyes. “He thought your powers as well as mine where evil, but he pushed that fear away and protected us. But the power to see the dead was to be very evil and dangerous. He could not push that one fear away even though he tried. That day by the river was the day he snapped and could not hold it back any longer. What still puzzles me is, how did he find out about my ability? My brother loved me, even though he thought me as evil.”
“Shakira…I…” Toshiro went silent.
“Lets stop talking and go for a walk by the ri…!? A large explosion was heard out side.
“What was that?” There was another.
“Come on.” I headed out side. Toshiro followed.
When we made outside, the villagers where running around in fear. There was so much dust and smoke that I could not see clearly. I looked around trying to spot what had caused the explosions. I saw the outline of something huge standing in the middle of the village.
“Follow me.” I told Toshiro as I headed towards the large thing. When I was able to se it clearly, I screamed in fear. “What is that monster!?”
“What’s wrong Shakira, why did you scream? What are talking about, what monster?” He asked. He couldn’t see it.
“If you cant see it, then it means it is a spirit! Toshiro!” The spirit turned and lashed out at us. I pushed Toshiro out of the way. One of the monster’s claws dug into my chest and pulled across, pulling cloth and flash with it. ‘What!? H-how did it hurt me?!’
“HAAAHAAAAAAAHA! Still alive Shakira? Pretty brave of you to shove him out of the way.” The monster said as he watched me get to my feet. I clenched my chest. I could feel warm blood running through my fingers.
“W-wh-what are you? And who are you and how do you know my name?” I tried to keep my balance, but my knees gave away.
“Shakira what happened? How did you get hurt?” Toshiro move towards me.
“STAY BACK!!!” I yelled in fury. “DON’T COME ANY CLOSER!!!”
“Poor thing cant even see me. I’ll fix that! Hahaha!” there was a flash around the monster.
“ What is that thing Shakira!?” Toshiro cried out. What ever the thing did, everyone in the village could see it now.
“Run for your lives!”
Villagers were running and screaming even more, Mothers were calling for there children. Village soldiers appeared and started throwing spears at it. They went though like nothing was there. Soon there was no spears left and the men ran for cover.
“An-answer my question monster! Who and what are you!” Rose to my feet and started to move closer to the thing.
“Hah, I cant wait to see the expression on your face! I’m Kantaru and I am what is called a Hollow! Grahahahaha!” He lashed out again, catching me just above the eyes. I staggered backwards and fell against a stone object. I looked up at it. It was Taitidrumaru’s statue. I looked around me. I was at the center of the circle of dragons. A plan came to my mind. ‘I can defeat him!’
“Well then, if you are Kantaru, then why are you attacking the village?” I pulled myself up using the statue.
“I came to get my revenge on you!” He growled
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please bear with me. Im trying to make this really good, so its going to take me awhile.