When MCR Meets Sanjaya Malakar...

Chapter 04

After completely circling the island three or four times, Gerard made it back to Mikey and the rest. He ran and hid behind his brother for protection.

Sanjaya came prancing along as if he were Pepé Le Pew and stopped once he was standing in front of Mikey. Gerard caught his breath while Sanjaya just stood there smiling like an invalid.

Suddenly, the sun descended as if it were a bouncy ball behind the seemingly endless ocean and the moon bounced right back up into its place. It was almost like a cartoon.

"OHMYGOD it's nighttime already?!" Sanjaya exclaimed. He shrugged and began spinning around very quickly. He suddenly appeared in his pink and white pajamas. Little white clouds with smiley faces on them sprinkled his girly nighttime apparel. He was also wearing pink bunny slippers with really large ears and he was holding a pink stuffed bunny as well. Mikey couldn't help but snicker.

"You have pink pajamas, pink bunny slippers, and a pink stuffed bunny?" Mikey questioned while still snickering.

"OHMYGOD DOESN'T EVERYONE?!" Sanjaya exclaimed.

"...no." Sanjaya smiled like a moron at the whole group for a good minute or two straight.

"...welp, NIGHTY NIGHT!!" Sanjaya exclaimed.

"Wait! Where are we supposed to sleep?!" Mikey questioned.

"Zee Ohh Emm Gee OVER THERE IN DA HUT!" Sanjaya replied. "FOLLOW ME!" He led them into a huge straw hut with three rooms inside of it. "Y'all can sleep in da bedroom next to minezie!"

"...don't you have any other available rooms?" Bob asked with a tone of hope in his voice.

"OHMYGOD NO! LAWLZ!" Sanjaya exclaimed.

"...damn it," Gerard mumbled. "Oh well." He sighed in disappointment.

"NIGHT, boiz!" Sanjaya closed them in their room, then he went next door to his own bedroom. "Bahahahaha..." he mumbled. He got on his knees and did his usual nightly prayer ritual, then he exclaimed, "SEDJEDO VESPUCCI!" He then got up and crawled under his pink Hello Kitty blanket.