When MCR Meets Sanjaya Malakar...

Chapter 05

The next day, Gerard woke up next to Mikey. He yawned and raised up, then looked at his brother beside of him. Mikey was still sleeping soundly. Gerard smiled to himself and looked over at Bob, Ray, and Frankie, who were all sharing one huge bed. Frankie was snoring loudly and obnoxiously. Gerard began wondering how he had slept through all that noise.

He gently shook Mikey and whispered, "Psst, Mikey! Wake up!"

Still asleep, Mikey exclaimed, "OH, FUCK ME HARDER THAN YOU DID LAST NIGHT!" Gerard shortly rolled his eyes in frustration as he put his hand over his brother's mouth.

"Shh! We didn't even do that last night!" Gerard whispered. Mikey finally reached a conscious state.

"Oh. Morning!" Mikey whispered.

"Good m--" Before Gerard could finish greeting his brother, Sanjaya bursted through the door, holding a black cane. He was wearing a black top hat, shiny black shoes, and a black, fancy tuxedo.

At the top of his lungs, he exclaimed: "OHMYGOD GOOD MORNING!!" This scared the living blood cells out of Ray, Bob, and Frankie, who were still asleep until Sanjaya's loud outburst. They all sprang right to their feet, but developed a dull look on their faces when they realized it was just Sanjaya.

Sanjaya smiled like a moron, then began singing (off-key, of course): "Steppin' out wiff mah baby. Can't go wrong cuz I'm in right! It's fo sho, not for maybeh, that I'm alllll dressed up tonight!

"Steppin' out wiff mah honey. Can't be bad to feel so good! Never felt quite sooo sunny! And I keep on knockin' wood!" A big chunk of wood suddenly appeared and Sanjaya took his cane and lightly tapped the wood with it. The wood then disappeared into thin air.

He continued singing: "There'll be smooth sailin' cuz I'm trimmin' mah sails. In mah top hat..." As he sang this, he pointed to his hat. "...and mah white tie and mah tails..." As he sang this, he turned around and pointed at his butt.

He sang: "Steppin' out wiff mah babay. Can't go wrong cuz I'm in right! Ask me when will da day be, DA BIG DAY MAY BE TONIGHTTTT! YOW!!!!" He ended the song by doing a split.

The five band members gave Sanjaya a weird, yet dull look as Sanjaya smiled like...well, himself.

"Damn, I hope we get home soon..." Bob mumbled.


-five minutes later-

"--OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD!!" Sanjaya exclaimed, pointing at Bob. "You just curseded!" Mikey and Gerard both rolled their eyes.

"Oh, jeez..." Bob mumbled.

"OHMYGOD y'all ready to eatzie?!" Sanjaya asked.

"How did we end up here?! How do we get back home?!" Frankie exclaimed.

"OHMYGOD I cannot tell you! Yet. Frankielicious. Teehee. Follow meh!" Sanjaya skip-de-looed out the door and the five band members followed him out of the hut.

They walked next door to yet another hut. Once entering, the five looked around while Sanjaya began looking up each and every one of them. Inside the hut was a very homely kitchen. There was a stove, a fridge, a kitchen table, dining room table, and even a sink and a dishwasher. It was just like any other kitchen.

"Whoa," Bob mumbled.

"OHMYGOD perty awesome, eh?! I decoradeded it mahself. AIN'T IT AWESOME?!" exclaimed Sanjaya. Nobody said anything. "...OKIE!! OHMYGOD LET'S MAKE SOME COOKIES!" Sanjaya ran over to the fridge and pulled out some Pillsbury cookie dough. He turned on the oven and arranged the nine pre-cut cookies on a baking sheet. After picking up each piece of dough, he licked his fingers and arranged the next piece. Frankie, Gerard, Mikey, Bob, and Ray all gave Sanjaya a digusted look. Sanjaya, who was too into licking his fingers, payed no attention.

"THESE ARE GONNA BE SOOOO GOOD! I CAN'T WAIT TILL THEY'RE DONE!" Sanjaya exclaimed while putting the pan of cookies into the oven. "While them are bakin', I SAY WE PLAY A GAME!"

"Oh, God..." Mikey mumbled.

"OHMYGOD I HAVE ANOTHER IDEAR! FOLLOW ME!" He dragged his fellow islanders outside of the hut and onto the beach. He led them over to the rock underneath the shady palm tree. He then pushed all of them down on the ground and sat on the rock, preparing to tell them stories as if they were little children. "WHO WANTS TO HEAR SOME SEDJEDOISMS?!"

"...Sedjedoisms?" Gerard questioned.


"What are those?" asked Gerard.

"They are stories of the wonderful acts of Sedjedo. WANNA HEAR?!" Nobody said anything. "...GOOD!" He cleared his throat.

"Once upon a timezie, Sedjedo roamded this very island! But back thenzie, it was all inhabited by like 4,244,459,476,843,976,894,363 people. So ya. But anywayz. So, he was all lookin' for a girly! WELL GUESS WHAT?! HE FINDED ONE! Her name was Geetta." Gerard's eyes widened. "So him 'nd Geetta gotted some bow chicka bow bow action for a whilezie. TILL HE MEETED MIKEYELLA!" Mikey just rolled his eyes. "So, he was all, 'Geetta! You stink! Mikeylla! Marry me!' SO GUESS WHATZIE?! THEY GOTTED MARRIED!! But guessie whatzie? He then meeted a hot young chickie named Roberta." Bob's eyes widened even more than Gerard's. "So Sedjedo cheateded on Mikeylla for a while with Roberta. Till Mikeylla caughted them gettin' jiggy wif it. Then THE UNTHINKABLE HAPPENED!"

"Mikeylla gotted all up in Sedjedo's face. She was all: 'OH NO YOU DI-ENT, GIRLFRIEND!' THEN SHE SLAPPDED HIM! OHMYGOD AND IT MADE A BIG SMAAACCCKKKK!!! SOUND! OHMYGOD IT WAS AWFUL!" Sanjaya exaggerated. "So then Sedjedo was dumpded by Mikeylla and he gotted wif Roberta. TILL RAYSHELLA CAME ALONG, THAT IS!!!" Ray's eyes began widening as if he were very interested in the story.

"So then Mikeylla brokeded up wif Sedjedo because apparently Sedjedo didn't give her enough bow chicka bow bow. So they ended thingies. So then Rayschella and Sedjedo gotted together. And they had good bow chicka bow bow. TILL SEDJEDO MEETED FRANKSIS!"

"So Sedjedo divorceded Rayschella to be wif Franksis cuz she was hawter 'nd stuff. So ya. Then Sedjedo gotted fedded up with Franksis. So he maded her vanish. So Sedjedo never did have good luck wif women. Apparently."

Everything was really quiet. Gerard's, Frank's, Ray's, and Bob's eyes were widened while Mikey had a dull, skeptical look on his face.

"You're full of it!" Mikey exclaimed, breaking the long silence. "That's all crap!"


"OHMYGOD UH-HUH!" Mikey exclaimed in a mocking tone.

"OHMYGOD WELL IT COULD'VE HAPPENED! Maybe. Kay, maybe not BUT IT WAS A GOOD STORY, RIGHT?!" Sanjaya suddenly began sniffing the air. Like a dumbass, Gerard began sniffing it as well.

"Is something burning?" Gerard asked.

"...OHMYGOD MY COOKIES!" Sanjaya jumped right up and ran as fast as he could to the kitchen hut. The five band members chased after him.