When MCR Meets Sanjaya Malakar...

Chapter 08

"AHHH GEE GEE!" Sanjaya exclaimed, rushing over to help him.

"OW! HOT HOT HOT HOT!" Gerard exclaimed, jumping out of the pot faster than you can say 'skee-daddle.'

"OHMYGOD ARE YOU OKAY?!" Sanjaya ran over to Gerard so fast that he slammed right into him and knocked him down as if he were a bowling pin.

"Ow! Get off of me!" Gerard exclaimed, thrusting Sanjaya off of him. Unfortunately for Sanjaya, since he weighs no more than fifty pounds, when Gerard pushed him off, he was thrown back by at least twenty feet.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Sanjaya exclaimed, flying through mid-air. Everyone heard a huge CRASSSSHHHH. Gerard looked at his fellow band members and they rushed over to where the noise had come from.

"What the...Sanjaya?!" Frank shouted. They were making their way through what seemed to be a miniature forest. Trees were everywhere. "Oh, this can't be good," he mumbled, making his way through the tall, thick grass. "I can't hear Sanjaya's big mouth. If he were alive, he'd be shouting for Gerard to give him CPR or something."

"Ew. He can just back off. Gee Gee is mine. ALL MINE!" Mikey exclaimed. Gerard and Frankie stopped walking as they gave their fellow band member an odd look. "What?!" Mikey questioned.

"...nevermind," Frankie mumbled, continuing to make his way through the thick brush.

"Wait..." Mikey said. "Why are we searching for this idiot? Can't we just...leave him to die?"

"Aw, come on. We can't do that. I hate to admit it, but I kind of find Sanjaya amusing," Frankie spoke up. Both Gerard and Mikey gave Frankie a weird look. "...well!" Gerard sighed.

"Yeah...he's annoying, but you have to admit he's kinda funny..." Gerard mumbled.

Sounds of movement within the little jungle could be heard nearby. All three stopped and listened, trying to distinguish where the sounds were coming from.

After a moment of silence, Gerard pointed his finger straight. "There!" he yelled. They ran until they got to a sandy area without any trees or anything. Surely enough, Sanjaya was spread out on the ground, unconscious.

"Sanjaya!" Frankie exclaimed, kneeling down by him. Sanjaya's eyes suddenly popped open. He slowly raised up as Gerard's and Mikey's eyes widened.

In a more girly than usual voice, Sanjaya said in a rather quiet tone, "Oh my God! Tweety! Stop flying around my head!" His eyes crossed and he passed out cold once again.