Status: Active

Two Souls Collide

Two Souls Collide- Bill Kaulitz 03

I stare at the strangers feeling slightly intimidated. They're taller than me, well at six feet, I'm at 5 foot four inches.
"Who's at the door?" Lacey calls from the kitchen in French.
"Umm…" I say stupidly. "The owners of the dog…" I reply in French still frowning. In German, I speak slowly and as clearly as I can, "Would you like to come in?" The two guys look at each other, and then step in.
"Is she here?" The feminine guy asks. The way he speaks and holds himself I wonder if he's gay. I couldn't see his face, but I did spot a beauty mark under his mouth. Instantly I knew he must be pretty good looking.
"Yes," I speak in German, "Follow me, please." I'm surprised they understand me. I walk to the left into the living room. Mon cheri looks up from her ball and immediately runs up past me to the pretty guy.
"Bella!" He speaks rapid German that I strain to understand. "I missed you so much! Did they take care of you?" He hugs her and the dog, Bella, licks his cheek.
"I told you we would find her." The man beside her leans down and pets Bella. His voice is deeper compared to the other.
I stand awkwardly in their little reunion with my hands behind my back. I hear Lacey walk in with a can of soda.
"Oh thank god!" She sighs in relief, happy to be rid of the dog. She looks at me and immediately looks apologetic. "Sweetie." She reaches over to me.
"Yea I know." I look down at mon-Bella, who was still caught up with her owner.
"Thank you." Blonde dread boy speaks to me. "How can we pay you back?" I wave my hand at the thought. I'm grateful that they don't go goo-goo eyes over the fact that we're twins. Everyone we met either bombarded us with questions or flirted. Rarely did someone ignore our identical physique.
"She's a good dog. I didn't mind at all." I struggle trying to get the accent down and keep my voice from cracking. Pretty boy holds Bella in his arms and looks down at me. He's really tall…
"Um," He seems at a loss with words. Bella leans in towards me wagging her tail. I shyly reach out and pet her before folding my arms. "She likes you." He smiles looking down at her. "Thank you so much." I couldn't really hate him, he cares of mo-Bella very much.
"Are German men this weird looking?" Lacey asks me in French.
"It's rude to speak a foreign language in front of 'guests'." I reply to her.
"Ugh. Maybe pops will let you get a dog, yea?" She says in horrible German. I glare at her before turning around and picking up the pink ball and Pikachu.
"She's attached to Pikachu and likes this ball best for fetch." I say shyly. On cue she leans in for Pikachu, which I give.
"Bella doesn't know how to play fetch." Pretty boy raises an eyebrow; I notice that it's pierced.
"I taught her."
"How sweet." He smiles at me. "Thank you." He repeats himself. I try to act grown up, but I can't help but want to be selfish and keep Bella.
"Don't lose her next time, or else someone might not be as nice as I am." I threaten.
"Yes, she's never escaped from me before." He looks at the other boy.
"You girls are new in Germany?" The blonde dread guy speaks. His voice is deeper than the other one's.
"We from France." Lacey replies. They both share a look, suddenly looking uncomfortable.
"Cool." Blonde dread guy grins. "Your German is…good." He says weakly.
"No lie. We speak English very better." Lacey rolls her eyes. I notice pretty boy shift his weight. He obviously wants to leave. Why is he so uncomfortable here? We don't bite.
"Well…if you ever need a babysitter." I shrug, my eyes not leaving Bella. Pretty boy smiles and nods.
"We'll be sure to remember that." The other guy says causing the feminine one to look at him slightly annoyed.
"Thank you so much." Pretty boy says again. I walk them to the door, giving Bella one last pet. Blonde dreads smiles at me very friendly, while the other gives a small polite smile.
"Yea…have a nice day." I say stiffly opening the door.

"Well, you took really good care of that dog. Maybe dad will get you one?" Lacey offers.
"And have my heart crushed again?!" I cry out dramatically turning onto my stomach. Lacey sat on the edge of my bed picking at a blanket.
"You knew it wasn't you dog sweetie." She says as kindly as possible. I'm just glad Lacey is making an effort to be nice, she usually isn't. "You're a good person for taking such good care of it. I'm sure the owners are grateful."
"The owners are freaks." I mumble breathing in my Fabreeze scented pillow.
"Yea… that girly one seems to really care for it though. So at least the dog has good owners?" She offers.
"With dreads and make up."
"How did you know they were wearing make up?" She asks.
"That girly one's skin is far too perfect not to. And did you see what they were wearing...sweat suits? Really." Even though they looked interesting, I'm still upset enough to turn their intriguing looks into minor insults.
"Now you're just ranting." Lacey points out.
"I know..." I reply weakly.
"It's just a dog."
"I knowwww."
"I told you you'd fall hard." She says smugly.
Lacey leans in and gives me a hug.
"I wish she was mine…" I mumble.
"I know."
♠ ♠ ♠
I figure Bill would be uncomfortable in a stranger's home, while Tom wouldn't mind if the owners are pretty.