Status: DONE!

You Know My Love Is Always on Your Side

She's Such a Daddy's Girl

I woke up to the soft cooing of Todd and Maddie. That little sound brought a smile to my face. Slowly rolling over, I watched my handsome hubby and my beautiful baby girl have a cute little baby conversation.

“Do you want to wake mommy up? She needs to get up doesn’t she? Say mommy, we’re getting my first dirt bike today,” Todd said to her as he started for the bed, looking down at Maddie and didn’t notice that I was awake. The whole time little Maddie was giggling.

“She’s still too young, baby,” I said once his eyes fell on me and his smile formed.

“It’s never too early,” he said as he sat down next to me, kissing me softly. Maddie let out a little squeal and her tiny hands clapped together.

“She’s always so happy,” I said, resting my chin on his shoulders, wrapping one arm around his shirtless torso, and then grazing Maddie’s smooth chubby cheeks with my hand. She cooed, a smile coming over her plump lips that she definitely got from Todd.

“It’s hard to believe it’s been five months already,” he replied, pulling me closer to him, still keeping our little Madison securely in his arms.

Yeah… only five months and Todd’s had her on a bike. Me being a woman, I wanted cute family pictures. Todd said he wanted to plan a shot himself. Thinking it would be pretty cute, I let him do it. I just didn’t know that he wanted it to be on his bike. But he never had it running and Maddie was locked in his arms. They turned out really cute though. Those definitely have to be my favorite.

“Bilko called already this morning,” Todd said, bringing me out of my thoughts.

“What’d he want?” I asked, shocked that the wanker was even up at this hour.

“He wants to go with us to get her bike,” he said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes. She can’t even sit on the stupid thing by herself! And Bilko wants to have his little Aussie hands in it. I’ll tell you want he needs to worry about: his wedding! It’s not going to plan itself. If you’re determined to make it happen, you can get it done. It took Todd and I a whole three months to plan ours… in a completely different country!

“You know what? Why don’t you and Bilko go bike shopping? Katie can stay here with Maddie and I.”

“Are you serious?” he asked.

His eyes were so big and sparkling so much. I could tell he was so excited. My smile forced its way through as I reached over and gently took Maddie. Before he got up, he bent down, leaving soft kisses on her cheek. She responded by giggling and grabbing two handfuls of his think hair.

“A little help here, Molls,” he said, his voice muffled.

I laughed as I grabbed her little pudgy hands and opened them to free Todd. He gave her one last kiss on the forehead before trotting into the bathroom. Her little eyes followed him until he wasn’t visible anymore. She looked back at me before tears started to gloss over her eyes. I frowned as I held her against me, but little whimpers escaped her. She’s such a daddy’s girl. But Todd’s a cute daddy with her so it’s all good.

“Where’s daddy? Is he going bye-bye?” I cooed, making her a little calm as I walked to the bathroom where Todd was sliding a pair of jeans on. “There’s daddy. He’s going to get you a toy that you shouldn’t have,” I said, shooting him a look.

“But mommy, it’s in my genes,” he smiled as he came over and wrapped his lusty arms around me. Of course, right away, Maddie started cooing. “See, she agrees with her father,” he smirked before he went to the closet.

“Maddie, your father may be extremely sexy, but he’s lacking some things in the brain area,” I teased.

She let out a little baby giggle and clapped her hands together excitedly. I shot a look at Todd who had just slid a shirt over his head.

“I think she agrees with her mother,” I smirked.

“Yeah, yeah. Go get dressed. I’ll go down and wait for Bilko,” he said, pushing that to the side with a smile as he took Maddie and went downstairs.

I smiled as I heard him coo to her. He’s such a good father. I don’t see why he didn’t want kids at first. Maddie and him are so attached to each other. It’s so cute.

When I came downstairs, Todd was gone. Katie was on the couch, chatting it up with little Maddie. I smiled as I finished the last couple of steps. She heard me coming and turned around. Her smile came over her before she said anything.

“I still can’t believe how big you were and now you’re just… tiny again,” she said as I walked over.

“I know. I can wear skinny jeans again,” I said a little too excitedly as I plopped down beside her and my dear little Madison.

We sat there for about an hour, talking about anything that came to our little minds. I think Madison’s going to be a little gossiper. She always seemed to throw in her little two cents whenever she could.

“Uncle Bilko thinks that you are just the cutest little thing,” she cooed as she reached over and poked her little tummy gently. This little action caused her to giggled and squirm from the tickles.

Uncle Bilko?” I asked, a smile coming over me.

“Well yeah… I’m Aunt Katie. I’m marrying Blake. So he’s Uncle Bilko. You guys aren’t cool enough to call him Blake,” she teased as she crossed her arms and looked the other way.

“When are you guys getting married?” I asked as I placed Maddie down on a blanket that was on the floor. I gave her the Patrick doll that Bilko had given her a few weeks ago. She loved this toy to no end.

“I don’t know,” she replied with a shrug.

“You need to get on this Katie. How long have you guys been engaged now? I know it was before Maddie was born. Get on it, girly. Some other chick might come along and steal the little Aussie away,” I teased, giving her a playful push.

“I’ll talk to him about it later. We’ve just been busy,” she said, shrugging again.

“It’s fun. It was all Todd’s money so that was even more fun,” I teased again.

She laughed, rolling her eyes and falling back against the couch. I didn’t push anymore with the wedding thing. What they want to do is their business. I’m totally happy with my little family.

Todd and Bilko had been gone for about two hours. I finally heard the familiar sound of Todd’s Tundra pulling into the driveway. Madison, who was back in my lap, taking a bottle, perked right up too. She knows her daddy. Seconds later, her comes Todd and Bilko pushing a little pink dirt bike through the house. The thing didn’t even go past Todd’s knees. Both Katie and I laughed as he wheeled it closer.

“Look what daddy got you, Maddie,” he smiled as he came over, taking our bundle of joy away and bending down for her to examine her new toy… that she can’t even play with yet!

Everyone seemed to be smiling as she looked at the thing in front of her so strangely. After a few seconds, she threw her fists on it excitedly, making it fall to the ground. Everyone laughed as a fit of giggles came over her. Maybe by the time I get back on my bike, she can too.
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I thought this was really cute. I kept smiling when I was working on it in school... people probably thought I was strange lol

Todd, Molly, and Maddie
