Status: On Hiatus.

I Can Taste the Failure on Your Lips

Chapter 1

“Rachel, dammit! Get back ‘ere and gimme back my crisps!” Matt Kean shouted as he
cornered me. He being taller than me, towered over me but I held onto the bag of chips as if it was for my dear life.

“Not until yeh give meh back meh iPod, Vegan!” I shouted back, going underneath his legs only to run smack into a ink-covered body.

“Dammit both of yeh. Vegan give Rachel ‘er iPod back.” Oli commanded with annoyance as he grabbed a beer bottle from the fridge.

I wrinkled my nose and dodged away from Vegan who was still chasing me. I saw a life saver-Lee! I ran in his direction before hiding behind him.

“Lee, 'ide me! Vegan is going to murder meh! Please!” I squealed and curled myself against his back.

“Ok, Rachel. I’ll protect yeh.” He said chuckling.

“Rachel, I know yeh ‘iding in back of Lee. Just gimme my bag of crisps and er…give yeh, yeh’re iPod back…” Vegan pleaded.

I peeked over Lee’s shoulder to give Vegan a questioning look. “What do yeh mean by “er, give yeh yeh’re iPod back?” I asked.

He chuckled nervously.” Well, I kinda lost it. But I’ll look for it, I promise!”

I huffed. “Fine. 'ere.” I tossed him his bag of ‘crisps’ as I walked away from him and Lee.

“Thanks.” Vegan muttered before ripping open the bag and shoving the chips into his mouth.

I made way back to the kitchen. Oli and Matt Nicholls were leaning against the counter drinking beers and laughing.

I got a bottle of water out from the fridge. “Why do yeh guys 'ave melt yeh brains with booze?”

“Cuz we’re cool like that, Rach!” Matt said with a huge smirk.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the living room where Lee and Vegan sat on a couch. I sat down next to Lee. Vegan guffawed like crazy and pointed at the screen of the TV. “The man,”He said in between fits of laughter, “fell off the horse! Again!”

I looked at Lee who just chuckled softly. He caught my gaze and smiled at me. Butterflies filled my stomach instantly. I admit that I had a small crush on Lee ever since I met him. But let’s just say that as I hung out with him more and more, the small crush grew.

I blushed and looked away. I jumped up as Oli called out for me. “'Ey Rachel! Do meh a favor, eh?”

I got up from the couch and walked over to Oli and Nicholls. Both had put on puppy dog faces indicating they wanted something.

“What do yeh guys want?” I asked with a sigh.

“Well, love, meh tummy just ‘appens to be beggin’ fer food.” Matt hinted. Sure enough, there was a growl sound.

I shook my head. “So lazy sometimes…Only drink and get 'igh off their kites.”

They just laughed it off. I got a Mac N Cheese box from a cabinet and began cooking the noodles. Then added the milk and butter. I grabbed the small package of the cheddar cheese but couldn’t rip it open. I groaned in protest.

“Need ‘elp wiff that, love?” Lee asked, scaring me.

I blushed but handed him the packet. As if with no effort, he opened the small packet then handed it back to me.

“There yeh go.” Lee said with a small smile.

“Thanks Lee.” I turned around to dump the powder on the pot but as clumsy as I was, I accidently tripped on my feet. The powdered cheese flew out in puffs, covering me…and Lee.

“Oh God! Lee, I’m so sorry. Let meh clean yeh off.” I rambled apologetically. I practically tackled him. I ruffled his hair, then shook his band tee from the orange powder.

“It’s okay Rachel! I am okay.” Lee chuckled, dusting himself off.

“I’m still extremely sorry.” I whispered. He gave me a reassuring smile before reaching out for me. He ran one of his hands through my hair, the other gingerly caressing my face. I felt myself blush ten shades of red, and I’m pretty sure he could hear my heart beating out of my head. His body inched towards mine slowly, his blue eyes captivating my brown ones… he leaned down, only inches away from face.

“There yeh go, Rachel.”

“T-Thanks Lee.” I stuttered.

Someone cleared their throat, both me and Lee’s head turned to see who it was. Oli was leaning, his arms crossed over his chest, against the wall with his signature smirk.

“Looks like both of yeh were snogging. Since when ‘ave yeh fancied Lee, Rachel?” Oli teased.

I rolled my eyes and was about to answer but Lee spoke first.

“Shut up, Olleh.” Lee muttered under his breath.

“Yeah, just eat yeh Mac N Cheese, Olleh.” I spat. In response I got laughs from Oli and Lee.

“Sounds pretty funneh when yeh say it like that, love.” Oli said before beginning to stuff his face with the food. I walked out of the kitchen and sat back down on the couch, only this time, Lee sat extremely close to me. Our hands would occasionally brush each others or our knees would bump into each others.

‘Seriously, when is Mimi getting back from her date with Tom? I extremely need her presence right now.’ I thought to myself.

“Hmm… I wonder what Mimi and Tommeh are doing right now?” I mumbled softly.

“I dunno know, love. Tom probably took Mimi out for a stroll on the park I suppose. Get pictures and stuff with ‘er.” Lee answered as he stared at me.

“Ah that’s nice. And cute. Wait, where’s Curtis?” Just now I realized that one of the guys was missing.

“Oh yeah, ‘e said ‘e ‘ad to do something wiff ‘is family. ‘E said ‘e was coming over later today.”

I nodded my head in response. “Well I think I’m gonna head to the apartment now.
See yeh all later.” I stood up on my feet and made way to the door, but I tripped over my feet and fell on Lee’s lap.

A blush crept on my face, “Shit! I-I’m so sorry Lee!” I jumped up from his lap and made a run for the door. From behind me Matt whistled.

“Look at Lee! E’s blushing like a tomato! Yeh fancy Rachel, eh?”

“Shut it yeh git! I do not.” Lee retorted with disgust.

My heart sank as I heard Lee’s harsh response. Why the hell did I for one second believe he might've felt the same way? Oh right...I am an idiot.
♠ ♠ ♠
Rough beginning...but I promise it will get better. Honestly I dont like how I wrote this. Just seems too eh... Well comment and tell me what you thought.