Jail Break!

When protecting themselves from a bully, Emily and Dan commit murder and are sent to jail. They enter a world of problems, dilemas and death. Can they ever trust family and friends again? Will they ever get through this?
  1. Running Away
    Emily starts to explain the night when they were chased.
  2. Hospitalised
    Emily is rushed to hospital
  3. Dissapointment And Love
    Rormance is blooming but as always something will stop it.
  4. Unjustice
    Emily is put in prison to 'protect her from Dan'.
  5. Captivated
    Emily's horrifying prison experiance
  6. Pain
    Alex fixes what Dan had done to her
  7. Fun for once
    Emily sleeps under Alex's protection for a while then goes to his gig where she gets in trouble with security.
  8. Alex's Announcment
    An unexpected announcement that changes everything.
  9. Decoration
    Alex designs Emilys room and theres a shocking discovery.
  10. Walking
    Alex teaches Emily how to walk
  11. Funeral
    Emily attends dans funeral
  12. Matrimony
    Emily and Alex marry
  13. Andrew
    Emily has her baby, her baby has lung issues and she gets ill too.
  14. Cancer and my end
    Emily finds out she has cancer and the story ends