Jail Break!


I didn’t know how he died – well I did but I promised not to tell. Dan is dead. He cannot ruin my life anymore. I pitied him – why couldn’t he be like me and my baby 7 months along baby. Strong.

How Dan died was gruesome. He came to our home. Ed M was starved and angry so bit chunks out of him and ate him alive. His funeral was more of a memorial service - all we could bury was the uneatable items of his body.

I stood in the snow with a black veil hiding my face. I didn’t fit in here but I needed to pay my last respect to Dan. I pulled at my black sweater self consciously. I was cold.
I stared at Dan’s cold, motionless body and thought – that could have been me this time last year. I was so ill I nearly died. But now I was better and strong – I could fight anything. I was also a bit drunk on cherryade.

I walked out of the graveyard and down the church road. The trees were in blossom. I pulled a bunch of flowers to put in a vase at home. Alex would like that. I twisted a piece of emerald ribbon from my hair to tie them together. Snow showered me.

My hair had grown back now and it was even nicer than before. It looked odd with white pieces in. I pulled off my coat and converse and opened the front door. Today was my wedding day.
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Dirty Ed!!!!