Jail Break!


I have got to say – birth is hard. Even when you just have to lie and watch someone take the baby out of you. It’s devastating. My baby Andrew was handed to me. I gazed into his eyes.

He had some hair, a reddish brown colour, but his best feature was his ocean blue eyes. The shone with happiness. I knew this was my payment – the light at the end of my tunnel.
He slept in my arms like an angel. I passed him to Alex as I went to have a shower. The icy water was cooling. I dried myself and my hair. I dressed in a simple, short dress and jeans. I went back in the room to find my baby gone and Alex standing looking very solemn. I urged what was wrong. Our baby had been taken from us to have his legs checked. I knew I was going to have an ill baby but I had hoped he wouldn’t be paralysed. Let him be okay, let him be okay I hoped.

A nurse brought in my baby into the room. I smiled. He was okay. I took him in my arms and he smiled at me. I took him out the hospital after a day. We were well enough. I sat in the study with him in my left arm typing into the computer with my right hand.

I watched Andrews breathe weird. I screamed. Alex rushed into the room. He took Andrew from me and attached him onto an oxygen tank. He thought Andrew was just asthmatic. I smiled weakly – at least he’s not dead eh? I felt pain shoot through my head and fell to the floor screeching.

Alex was at my side in a flash cradling me. He asked me what hurt. I just said my head. He picked me up in his arms and Andrew was rested on top of me. He took us to his Dads hospital. I saw a tear drip down his cheek and a whisper come from him – he didn’t want me and Andrew to die.

Alex borrowed the x-ray room and put me in one of the cat scanners. He stared at the scan of my brain and cried. I assured him it wouldn’t be too bad. He looked me in the eye and said ….
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Poor alex is stuck for what to do!