Jail Break!


I woke up on that alley way surrounded by my blood. I was shocked Dan hadn't got me away from here yet. Then I saw it all. An ambulance was parked nearby and people were running at me. Dan was in handcuffs. I tried to scream but blood was filling my wind pipe and choking me. Dan yelled at them that I couldn't breathe and I felt hands scraping inside my mouth pushing out the blood. I wished that Ali had killed me, instead of hurting me so much and the getting killed before he could finish the job. I was furious with Dan for stopping him.

Paramedics towered over my lifeless being attempting to reassure me. They strapped me onto a stretcher and put me in the ambulance. I screamed and screamed for my Dan. They said we were in trouble and we were going to be arrested, but not until after I was better. They said I was too ill for him to see me and that I would scare him. I sobbed that he would never be scared of me after that night but all they did was drug me into a deep, dark nightmare.

The second time I awoke was in a bright, white room. There were wires stuck in every inch of my skin and lots of machines beeping. I checked the clock: Thursday 24th of December 18:27. That wasn't right; when the paramedics knocked me unconscious it was only December 15th... It made no sense.

At that moment a woman walked into my room with a clipboard tucked under one arm. She talked to me and told me she was called Dr. Read and that she was my doctor. She explained that I had had major surgery 9 days ago so it made sense I had only just woken up. I hurriedly asked about Dan - where was he? When could I see him? Was he okay? She said she couldn't answer me.

It was only then when I noticed the excruciating pain in my leg. I let out a shocked gasp and was surprised to feel my lungs still breathing, It was then when I noticed they even had machines breathing for me! It was so stupid. She touched my shoulder and said I had a visitor.
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Okay so this one was fun to right