Jail Break!

Dissapointment And Love

My heart skipped a beat- Dan! I heard the monitor that was beeping start beating so fast each little beep blurred into the next.

A man entered my room. I was confused - this wasn't Dan. He looked in his late teens and had wild brown hair and beautiful, brown eyes. I knew him from school - he was Alex Davies. He had been friends with Ali.

Shouts of fury were yelled at me - why had Dan killed him? Why did I mean so much to Dan? I lay shocked, looking up at him. “Eh... Dan stabbed him because he shot me..." I stammered, tripping over the words. I shivered. Alex looked amazed. He asked me about the night like he was actually interested. When he relisted how little they were treating me, he took me downstairs in my wheelchair, checked me out the hospital and took me to his house.

He laid me on his navy blue, double bed and connected me to life support. He asked me if I was okay and what had happened after that night. I said 'Yes I'm okay, and not much." He excused himself to get his friends up here.

I was unnecessarily shocked when more top formers came in - Ed M and Ed. H. Teddy (Ed.H) shouted at Alex, things like why did you bring a criminal here? Alex told him it was Dan who was the criminal not me.

Ed M sat on the bedside table and played on his guitar. The music was heavenly sweet and it made me want to sleep. I wouldn't give in though, who would be able to wake me up?

Alex said I needed sleep to heal but would he be able to see under the bandages first. The two Ed's left so I wouldn't feel awkward. I pulled the odd hospital gown to the top of my thigh. You could still see the bullets. Silver patterns embroided my leg. Then I showed him the ones on my back and arms.

Alex screamed which upset me. I must have looked like a monster. He pulled himself together and took me downstairs. He made me sit on the table then he went back upstairs.

When he came back he had a plastic bowl and some tweezers. He sat next to me, picking out the bullets and dropping them in the bowl. It hurt but it also stopped the pain in some places. Then he held a towel to the holes and poured on a think, sticky orange liquid on them before bandaging them up.

The door bell rang so Alex went to answer it. Dan stomped into the room furious.
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