Jail Break!


I was sat on the table, frozen. Dan shouted at me for leaving the hospital. He said he had planned to rescue me. I shouted back, with my last air, that I wasn’t some pathetic damsel in distress here. He said that didn’t matter and what mattered was that I had disobeyed him and left hospital.
He forced on my lungs and rammed my back against the table. There were glass vases and china plates on the table- I crashed through the vases, plates and the table, laying on the floor with all the shards in my back. I couldn’t move at all. I was numb. Alex was yelling that had possibly paralysed me. I cried on the floor.

Dan picked me up in his harsh hold and rammed me into the wheelchair Alex had found for me. It hurt like hell. He wheeled me out of the house. Alex shouted to me that I would be okay and he would find me. Dan told him to piss off. He forced my chair down the porch stairs and I fell out. He forced me back onto the chair and pushed me into the forest. I screamed but couldn’t move to run. He laughed at my pain. He was obviously drunk – this wasn’t my Dan.

We heard police sirens in the background. Dan swore and ditched me. The police saw him and arrested him. They took me back to Alex’s house so he could treat my back before they took me to court.
As Alex pulled the shards out my back he hugged me gently, trying not to hurt me anymore than I was already. I fell asleep in his arms but woke up next to him in a police car. He was still assuring me I was not going to get arrested and that it was a misunderstanding. I knew he was lying.

The police man put me in a cell behind the courtrooms. My back ached. Alex told me to tell the truth and just be honest until the end. I asked what to do if I was loosing my freedom. He said he would help then.

They wheeled me out the cell and into a space in front of the judge. She asked me many questions and accused me of association to knife crime. Alex stood up.

‘She was never associated. She was innocently walking with him and was shot. She didn’t know he carried a knife and she was angry when he stabbed Ali! So don’t accuse her!’

The judge nodded. She said I would spend a week in prison to protect me from people who might think I was associated and try to hurt me. I looked down – a week in prison, with my luck I would die in that week.

I was put back in the police car and taken to Durham jail. I was put in cell 23680. My wheel chair was taken away and I lay still on the floor unable to even move my arms to drag myself up. Alex had mentioned I needed surgery to fix my spinal cord but they hadn’t listened to him.