Jail Break!


On my cell floor I thought about life. After all I couldn’t get up. I thought about friendships: Was Dan really a good friend? I decided not and that I would try to get closer to Alex.

I was on the floor about 5 hours. It was cool on my burning hot head. The big, metal door opened with a squeaking groan that hurt my ears. The guard stepped into my cell with an impish chuckle. “Can I go?” I asked happily. Turned out no, I had to share my cell with an inmate because apparently he was my ‘friend’. I lay there thinking please don’t let it be him. Oh joy, the guard shoved Dan in and locked the door.

DAY 1:

Dan decided that since he was locked up for 25 years and I a week, he would make my week a living hell. So on the first day he pulled out my finger nails one by one. All that was left was blood-drenched sockets that were rimmed with infection from some garden chemicals he mixed in to the holes. I couldn’t feel it but I obviously didn’t tell him that.

DAY 2:

Dan thought my dark red hair was horrible so he wrapped clumps around his hands and pulled it from my scalp. I felt this – my screams were somewhat satisfying for him so he kept pulling until my hair was patchy and hideous. My scalp bled and I had a bad headache for days.

DAY 3:

He had a new idea. It was gruesome. He bit chunks of flesh out of me and ate them. I wished he would just kill me instead of torturing me. Bites were taken from my motionless legs and arms. One was even taken out of my neck.

DAY 4:

This day wasn’t so bad, all he did was take off my bandages and run whatever he could find into the bullet holes. They didn’t get too infected because of the orange liquid Alex had put on them.

DAY 5:

This was the difficult day. Dan snapped 3 of my ribs in several places. The bones didn’t hurt but the sickening cracks made me vomit. Our floor wasn’t nice to walk on for Dan when it was covered in my blood and sick. He hit me until my cheek bled fir that.

DAY 6:

This day was joyful; I knew I would be gone soon. He however broke all the bones in my left arm – from fingertip to collarbone. It took him hours. The sounds made me sick again so he hit my skull until it fractured.

DAY 7:

This was my last day in prison but Dan fed me lethal poison. I could feel my organs struggling to work as I watched for Alex. Blood dripped from my ears, nose, mouth and eyes onto the sheets.

Alex came in and gasped at how I looked. He quickly picked me up, lay me in my wheelchair and got me into his house. He called in a doctor for me. I blacked out from the poison.
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this is a long gruesome one O.o