Jail Break!


I regained consciousness on a flat metal table. They had moved it from Alex’s study to the dining room. Alex was fitting false nails onto my fingers to cover up the growing nails. He was cleaning out the infection first.

When he realised I had came round he hugged me and let out a little delighted squeak. He yelped at me ‘I thought you were dead! I was so scared…’ I refused to stop hugging him until he slipped out my arms. ‘Let’s finish fixing you first eh?’ he said. I lay on the table for him as he twisted my hair into a style that hid all the missing chunks. He sprayed hairspray onto it to hold it.

Then he saw the missing chunks of flesh. He looked so shocked. He pulled himself together like he had expected the worst. He gave me a skin graft to cover the sore bites.

Then he cleaned all the infection out the bullet wounds and stitched them up. He put more anti infection liquid on. He used electric tape to hold my ribs in place.

He put a emerald green cast on my left arm after fixing the bones. Then he turned me round and fixed my spine.

Once he was gone my whole body shuddered and writhed. I couldn’t stay still for the blinding pain. I knew it was the poison but Alex didn’t. He asked urgently what’s wrong, what’s wrong!?! I sobbed that Dan had poisoned me. Alex swore.

He took an injection full of blood and took it to his bedroom to see what poison was in me. He came back with a long thick needle full of black liquid. I yelled that I would be fine with out an anti-poison but he said no and stuck the needle in my arm. I cried and screamed.

He then picked me up and put me in bed as he said I needed sleep. I couldn’t disagree I was so tiered…
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Tada :)