Jail Break!

Fun for once

I slept for days. Only awaking when Alex came to help feed me. I couldn’t eat by my self as my hands were sore and one was broken badly. So 3 times a day I got his company as he sat and fed me. I had nightmares whenever I slept. He always came to see me even at 4 am and sat with me until I went back to sleep. I screamed in my sleep all the time and he had to put up with it – the kind man.
At the end of the week Alex sat on the edge of the bed talking to me. He understood I couldn’t walk yet so I should stay in bed where it’s comfortable. He said he thought my accident-proneness was good otherwise I would have run away and left him by now. But I reassured him I wouldn’t run away.
He hung a piece of plastic on red ribbon around my neck. He said he had to play a gig tomorrow but this pass would allow me and my wheelchair in front of the barrier. He said since it was in London we were going to leave now – was I well enough? I nodded in delight.

He helped me into the tour bus and onto Ali’s old bed. It felt wrong but I didn’t abuse the bed I had – I would be on the floor if I did! The tour bus was a fun experience as we laughed and drank beer together with the Ed’s. Ed M seemed happy I was okay. He sat next to me for about 2 hours asking about prison.
Ed H wasn’t so nice. He still resented me for blaming Dan and earning Alex’s trust.
When we got there it was about 10am and the gig started at 7pm. 9 hours. Alex asked if I wanted to go inside but I said I would keep the fans company in the queue. So he went into the venue leaving me with some painkillers and a blanket draped round me.

Some fans arrived soon. They asked what the pass was for so I explained to them. They asked me lots of questions, the first one was how did I know Alex so I told them the story about Dan and Ali and prison and everything. One girl cried – the band hadn’t announced Ali’s death. Maybe they planned to that tonight.
The queue was fun and the fans were… well they were maniacs to be honest! When the doors opened I somehow wheeled myself inside and to the front. I showed security my pass but they told me to stop faking a disability to get in front of the barrier. They pushed me onto the floor behind the barrier.

Alex ran over and picked me up. He yelled at security and put my chair facing him in the gap. I sat and watched him sing.
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Well fans are maniacs!