Jail Break!

Alex's Announcment

As the song twisted from Parallel worlds to time after time I watched the crowd having so much fun. I wished my bones had healed yet so I could be showing Alex my love. When Time After Time ended Alex stopped to speak.

‘HELLO LONDON!!! This is a special night. I have a friend in front of the barrier who has been through a lot of tragedy – Ali’s death and Dan’s imprisonment.’ The fans gasped and screamed until he continued. ‘She’s been abused by Dan so I have helped her get better and now I think she should do something for me.’

He leant over the stage and picked me up. Then he put me down so my legs dangled over the stage and supported my back. ‘So tonight, Emily, will you marry me?’ I was overjoyed. I yelled yes! He picked me up and swirled me around in the air. This moment was perfect.

The crowd cheered but I saw a few annoyed expressions. Alex slipped a gentle pearl ring onto my finger and kissed me. I was shocked. He put me down and started to play my favourite song that he wrote for me- Better than the courtroom.

I listened to the sweet melody as he sang to me. I for some reason couldn’t help laughing. Alex Davies was mine together. Well lets be fair here – Emily Davies sounds very nice!
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Lucky girl. XD