Status: Honestly, I'm pretty sure it's finished. :-) I just couldn't ruin this perfect moment. So they're frozen in time there forever.

Alone on a Park Swing

Sometimes she just feels like crying.
Sometimes she just feels like screaming.
Sometimes she just feels like singing.
Sometimes she just feels like dancing.
Sometimes she just feels like running.
Sometimes she just can't take it anymore.
  1. Alone on a Park Swing
  2. Another Day, Another Problem
    I got angry... so I wrote.
  3. Single and Hating it.
    Depressed... :-/
  4. No One Will Listen
  5. Hormones and Cancer
  6. Afraid of a Date
  7. Not So Sad
    Maybe a little creeper-ish, though
  8. Psychosis
  9. So Much Fickleness
    ...which will hopefully stop.
  10. Running
  11. Happy Ending
    Yes, you read that correctly :-)