Status: Honestly, I'm pretty sure it's finished. :-) I just couldn't ruin this perfect moment. So they're frozen in time there forever.

Alone on a Park Swing

Happy Ending

"I hate you now, so go away from me. You're gone; so long. I can do better, I can do better," She sang as She skipped down the street, feeling better than She had in a long time. She was glad to be rid of that jerk; he was weighing her down.

She danced her way through the park, humming, twirling, laughing. She felt so free. It was refreshing.

He saw her figure moving gracefully toward the swings and couldn't help but smile. He got up from his window and jogged through the house, snagging his coat just before He ran out the door. As He got closer to the swings, He could hear Her singing as She sailed through the air, and He smiled even wider.

"Now this," He said when He was a few yards away, "is probably the most beautiful sight I've seen in my entire life."

She looked over at Him and positively beamed. She jumped off the swing and ran to tackle Him with a hug. He staggered back a step, but wrapped his arms around Her in return.

"Are you bipolar or something?" He asked with a chuckle.

"No," She replied as She stepped back. "I just told that loser to get out of my life. I yelled at him, told him everything I had to say. I was mad at first, but now I'm feeling better than I have since I ever got involved with him." She actually giggled, She was feeling so giddy. "I had to share the news with you!"

His smile widened. She seemed to radiate joy. "You know," He said, "you look absolutely gorgeous when you smile. I wish I could see it more often. But then, tears really aren't flattering on anyone."

She laughed, then stretched up on her toes to kiss Him. "You are the only man in my life now. No more stupid guys at school or church or anywhere else stirring up drama. Just you."

His stomach did a backflip as She kissed Him again. He didn't show it, but every time She came to the park to complain about this guy or that, He secretly hated it. He couldn't believe She was finally his and his alone. He held Her tighter and they stayed there together for what seemed like hours, but could very well have been years and they wouldn't have cared, because they were finally happy together in each other's arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
:-) Aww, mushy lovey-dovey stuff... Ain't it great? Also, yes, this is now finished (I'm sorry!), but I've decided to put all this emo stuff behind me. The part of me that always has to go running to Him when I'm upset is going to stay there with Him and be happy forever, because I'm going to be a happier person! (Also, I really can't ruin this moment) So peace out, y'all!

Check out my other stories!
Happily Ever…, a full-length story that is still being updated slowly but surely.
Neighbors, the first legitimate short story I ever wrote, and one which I'm extremely proud of.
An Echo of Sarah Mlynowski, another Creative Writing short story assignment written in the style of Sarah Mlynowski, about a girl who can see the future.
Newcastle, another Creative Writing short story assignment set in Newcastle, Ireland about a girl who meets a very intriguing guy.
Ringing In the New Year, another Creative Writing short story assignment about sisters attending a New Years Eve party, one of whom enjoys it far more than she imagined she would.