Status: Discontinued :( But will be rewritten and updated as soon as summer rolls around. Sorry D: School got to us.

Make New Friends, but Keep the Old; One Is Silver, the Other Gold

Chapter 2: Shane's POV (Edited)

Someone knocked on my door. "Come in". "Hey Shane" Dad walked into my room. He stopped and looked around."Woah buddy you have to clean this room up something" Dewey whined. "Yea I know Dewey, but he has to learn how to do it on his own." "Yeah, let Dewey do it or something." I said, without looking up from the computer screen. I was looking up some new skateboard gear, I was going to look so cool once I got those new wheels. I focused on the colors. Blue maybe? No neon black, now THAT would be awesome. I wonder if it would clash with the...

"SHANE!!" I tore my focus away from the screen. "Yeah Dad?" I said annoyed. "Well, now that I have your attention, I just wanted to tell you that my old friend Jake invited us over for dinner tonight" "Yea...okay sure" I said turning back to the computer. Then, I got a text saying "Remember, the new skate park opens tonight! Be there~Elie. "Wait! Dad! I can't! The skate park opens today" "Well I'm sorry Shane, but you have to go to dinner. Jake just moved in with his little girl, Hailey-you remember Hailey right? You two used to play together all the time-" He grinned, "-and it would be rude to decline." "DAD PLEASE!" "No, Shane I'm sorry" He walked out and closed the door. I threw my shoe at the door. Why do I have to go. They aren't my friends.


And now I'm sitting in their house. I'd put up a fight, but in the end Dad won.

How the hell did I get roped into this. Mr. Parker had called to his daughter but she still hadn't come down yet. Lucky I wish I could lock myself in my room I sighed.

Ten minutes later, my dad came up to me and asked if I could go and get Hailey to come down. I responded "WHAT!?" He then gave me "the look", to which I dragged myself off the couch and up the stairs. Great, first I'm dragged to his house and now i have to go get his spoiled little daughter. I huffed as i went up the stairs. Why couldn't she just come down by herself, I'm not a slave.

I opened the door to the room. A girl was stood in front of me, looking into a mirror.

I cleared my throat and said "Your dad wants you to co-"

She turned around and I paused. My words suddenly drifted off. Who was this girl? Hailey? No it couldn't be. The Hailey that I remembered was short and pudgy and had candy cane all over her face. When did this happen?!

She stared at me, I probably looked like an idiot.

" dad wants you to come downstairs" I said, the words finally forming.

She blushed and managed to stammer out an "'ll be right there." I nodded, smirked and left the room with one last glance to the pretty, but dumbstruck girl.

Five more minutes past and she still wasn't down. I went up a second time.

This time, however, I was more interested in getting her downstairs. I pushed the door open and she jumped. I held back a laugh. "Hey!" she shouted. "Have you ever heard of knocking!? I could have been CHANGING for all you knew!" She scowled. "Hey, well if you wanna finish changing, i wont stop you...continue." She rolled her eyes, her cheeks turning a bit pink, before regaining her composure and glaring at me.

"But anyway" I smirked "I was told to bring you down, kicking and screaming if i have to." "I'm ready for a fight" She challenged. I rolled up my sleeves. She didn't move. I walked closer to her and she backed away, bumping into the dresser, knocking down the mirror. "Crap" she said under her breath. I laughed and went to help her pick it up, she pushed me away. "I don't need your help" She said. "So do i have to pick up you up and throw you over my shoulder or can you walk?" She pushed past me and made her way down the stairs. "I take it that your walking then?" I called after her. She just flipped her hair over her shoulder and said "Close the door when you leave!"

Hmm...fiesty...I like that
♠ ♠ ♠
Silence isnt golden here, chapter two is finally up! All thanks to our commenter, sweetcontrollovr, who was so gracious to give us a comment. (she got treehillgirl1 all happy and hyper -_- thanks) Yepp im boring sorry :D Rawrrr d-_-b