Status: Finished. I just have to type up and post all the chapters.

The Princess and the Darkness


Throughout the Dark Fae’s stay in The Castle of Light she would not drop the subject of the warring kingdoms.
“The battle is not going well for our side,” she said, “I do not need to stay in your castle, if you just agree to fight along side me in order to bring peace”
The princess felt that it would be impolite to simply refuse the Fae’s request, but she did not like the idea of war, so each time it was brought up she would quickly dismiss it with an absent-minded answer.
And however discouraging the Fae’s behavior was, the princess persisted to try and transform her into happy citizen of her kingdom of pink.
She had a feast in the Fae’s honor, and invited all of her royal court, and some of her dearest friends from nearby kingdoms, but the Fae would not touch the lamb that the princess had, had prepared for the celebration.
“I will not eat an animal that was not hunted fairly”, she murmured.
The princess smiled at her childishness, and patiently explained that the lamb had been treated well, fed and sheltered, and made to feel quite comfortable until the end of its life.
“But when it came time for the slaughter, it hadn’t a chance.” The Dark Fae pointed out, glaring up at the Princess of Light with those piercing blue eyes.
The Princess thought this a rather ungrateful thing to say, after all her hard work and planning, but she kept on smiling as the night wore on, not wanting to spoil the festivities for her other guests.
The Princess had her royal seamstress make a beautiful violet gown for the Dark Fae. It was softer than a cloud, and only slightly less extravagant than the princess’s most favorite dress.
But when she showed it to the fae, she received another piercing stare.
“I have told you, have I not? I will wear nothing but the clothes of my people!”
She sounded insulted, thought the Princess of Light, but she couldn’t understand why; the garment she wore was hardly half as lovely as the violet gown.