Status: Started uploading this story onto Fanfiction

In Love With Syn

Chapter 17

I remember all the times I had gotten in trouble and Matt saying those exact words. The girls left and I dropped my head.

"What's in the Victoria's Secret bag?" He asked.

My throat went dry and I couldn't say anything.

"What's in the bag, Jenna?" Matt said using my full name.

"Stuff," I say flatly.

Matt came over to me and grabbed my face and lifted my chin so I'll look him in the eyes.

"What is in the bag?" Matt asked again.

Tears filled my eyes and I started crying.


I cried harder and that's when Brian stepped in.

"Stop yelling at her!!!" He said.

Matt's gaze left my eyes and he let go of my chin and I couldn't stand, so I dropped to my knees. I look up to see Matt and Brian looking eye to eye.

"What did you say?" Matt asked.

"I said stop yelling at her!!" Syn repeated.

"You fucked her!! You have no control!!! You don't get a say!!" Matt yelled.

"We love each other!" Brian barked.

Matt's head snapped up at me. "Jen get up, we're leaving." And he made his way to the door.

I remained on the floor and put my head down.

"Jen get up!" Matt yelled.

"No," I mumble.

"What did you say?" He said again.

"I said no! I'm not going with you." I say a bit louder.

"I am your brother and you will listen to me. NOW GET UP!!" He yelled.

"I love Brian, and I want to stay with him!" I say slowly trying to stand.

"Jenna this is your last time," Matt yelled. "GET YOUR ASS OFF THE FLOOR!!!!!"

"Matt I think you should leave," I say with a slight growl in my throat. "I love Brian, and I'm safe with him."

Matt was red by now and looked over at Brian.
"You better watch your back." Matt growled and left.

Brian hugged me tight to his chest and I cried into his shirt.
♠ ♠ ♠
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