Status: Started uploading this story onto Fanfiction

In Love With Syn

Chapter 18

The next week (Nov. 22, 2009)

Today was Survivor Series and the guys wanted to do one more show before Thanksgiving, having to leave the state. So Syn and I couldn't do our hug and kiss thing before the shows.

Everything was hectic backstage. DX was going over the program in the hallway, Mark (Taker) was meditating; Legacy was....rubbing body oil on each other??? I turned my head away from that and made my way to the ramp as I got ready for my match against Beth Phoenix.

The chorus of "Beautiful Bride" by Flyleaf starts playing, and I made way down the ramp. I slide in the ring jumping on each turnbuckle. Then Beth walked down to the ring with her signature smirk. She flips off of the turnbuckle and lands on her feet.

The bell rings and we lock up. I ended up in a headlock and Beth was starting to say something to me.

"I heard Punk talking backstage."

When I got up I mumble,
"What'd he say?" I then throw her into the ropes.

She came back and clotheslines me and pinned me.
"I don't know exactly, I just heard your name."

"2 count!" The ref said as I kicked out.

I nodded and we kept going with our match until I did my finisher Lunar Eclipse (springboard moonsault) and won. The ref raised my hand in victory and went over to the turnbuckle. Soon the crowd boos and I turn around into something hitting me in the face....

Punk's POV

I ran down the ramp with a chair in my hands. The crowd booed yet I didn't care, I want my girl back. She turned around and I swing. She goes down and fell on her side. Beth had stood there looking scared and ran up the ramp.

"Great," I mumble. I drop the chair and grab Jen, throw her over my shoulder, and ran out of the ring and up the ramp as fast as I could. Colors and people became a big blur as I made my way to the exit.

"Punk, Punk her down!!" Delanie said running behind me.

"She's mine!" I hollered.

"She’s not your property!!" She yelled back.

A smirk crept across my face. "Oh yes she is!" I then stop and turn around and held up the sheet of paper that I acquired from Vince.

Del gasped and covered her mouth.
"You're such a sleaze bag!" She growled.
♠ ♠ ♠
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