Status: Started uploading this story onto Fanfiction

In Love With Syn

Chapter 25

December 24

Christmas Eve and everyone was pretty much happy. I hadn’t seen Punk since earlier this week. Brian hasn’t left my side since I got back. He thinks me leaving was his fault…right.

“Brian, you didn’t have to make me lunch.” I say as he sat the plate of a chicken salad sandwich in front of me. Sure it wasn’t a big lunch, but it was a cute gesture.

“I told you I’m not letting you leave me again.” He said sitting across from me.

“But it’s not your fault I left…I just needed some alone time.” I say picking up my sandwich.

“But you didn’t talk to me for weeks.” He pointed out.

“Oh see about that…” I trail off.

“I’m listening.” He said raising his brow.

“I kind of might’ve thrown my phone in a lake.” I say. “I’m sorry Synnie.” I use the puppy dog eyes on him.

“You’re so lucky that works!” He laughs.

“I’m gonna get a new one.” I say smiling.

“Good `cause your brother was getting on me about it.” He said with his mouth full.
I made a disgusted face.
“Ew, that’s nasty!”

Brian smiled and chuckled. Then the door bell rang.

“I’ll get it!” I say hopping up. I run to the door and look through the peep hole and see Diggs and Zacky making faces at the hole. I roll my eyes and open the door.

“Gosh you guys are immature.” I say letting them in.

“Why thank you Ms. Saunders.” Diggs said as Zacky hugged me. I don’t know why he must keep hugging me so tight.

“Can’t…breathe…Zacky…” I squeak.

“Stop killing my girlfriend, dude!” Brian said chuckling.

Zacky put me down and I fell on my butt because I lost my balance.

“I swear I’m amazed that you can stand on the ropes without falling down.” Diggs said crossing her arms.

“No she falls when her opponents knock her down.” Zacky says wrapping an arm around Diggs.

“Hey!” I say as Brian helps me up.

“So what’s up?” Brian asks.

“We wanted to see Jen.” Zacky responded.

“Yea we haven’t seen her in a while man!” Diggs said. “So share her and stop loving her for a while.”

I turned several shades of red while Brian bit his lip.

“I told you they weren’t going to deny it!!” Diggs said hugging me.

“My mother told me I’m not allowed to lie.” I say.

“Then why are you under Syn?” Zacky asked.

“Dude,” Brian said.

“What? Was it too ‘raw’ for you?” He asked using air quotes.

“Ha ha,” I say sarcastically.

“Seriously though, why did he get off so easily?” Diggs asked.

“Because the WWE wants to make it seem that Mr. Straight Edge is clean and they know how to cover their superstars.” I say sitting on the couch and sigh. “I can’t believe I loved that bastard.”

Tears slowly filled my eyes, and Brian sat beside me, holding me. I laid my head on his chest. Wishing something would direct my attention from that bastard.
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