Status: Started uploading this story onto Fanfiction

In Love With Syn

Chapter 29

I was ready by 10:25 and was happy that I remembered to put this dress in my suitcase before I left. There was a knock at the door and a smile appears on my face. I open the door to see my sexy stallion.

He kisses me and smirks.
“You decide to dress in my favorite color huh?” I blush and nod. “Well I’m glad you did.” He says taking my hand and spins me around and takes a good look. “It’ll make the surprise 10 times better.”

I raise an eyebrow.
“Surprise, what surprise?”

“If I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore.” He said leading me out of the hotel.

We get in the car and start to drive to our destination. I look up at him as he drives and the street lights hit his face making his facial features a lot sexier. Like his nose, his jaw line, and those lips that I love so much. Then I notice the sunglasses.

“Why are you wearing you’re sunglasses at night? I wanna see your eyes.” I say.

A smirk appears on his face.
“They make me look cool.”

“I would’ve said hot, but that could work too.” I say leaning back in my seat.

He chuckles a bit and places his hand over mine on the arm rest. Brian started to play with my ring finger. He then laces our fingers together as we pull up to the restaurant.

“It’s an Italian restaurant.” He says opening the car door for me.

I smile a bit. “Thank you, Synnie.” Brian grabs my ass and a squeak escapes my lips.

“You keep calling me Synnie, there’s going to be a price to pay.” Brian whispered in my ear and nibbled on it. I moan and he stops when we enter the restaurant. Brian moves his hand up to my waist, making it look like we weren’t close to fucking.

“Reservation for Haner,” Brian says to the hostess. She smiles at Syn, but sees his arm around my waist and her smile drops.

“Yes, please follow me.” She says taking 2 menus and walking away. We follow her as Brian keeps his arm around my waist. I feel so wanted and loved now even after all of this bull shit with Punk. There is definitely one man that can give me this feeling, Brian.

He pulls out my chair and I sit down. He kissed me quick, gently, yet full of passion. He pulled away and left me smiling.

We pick up the menus and my eyes got wide as I seen the prices.

“Babe, have you seen the prices?” I ask looking up from the menu.

“Yep, and don’t you worry your pretty little head.” He said smirking. “Syn has this covered.”

I looked at his eyes and saw a twinkle in them. I couldn’t resist the urge to smile.

-------After Dinner-------

Syn took me walking in the park and held me close.

“Do you like this?” He asks as we stand underneath the moon and the stars.

“Yes, you make this fun.” I say looking up at him. He smiles and stands in front of me.

“You say, I make you happy and you love me. You make me happy and you know I love you.” Then he got on one knee and pulled out a black box and I gasp. “So Jenna Demi Saunders, will you make me the happiest man on Earth and marry me?”

Tears had flooded my eyes.
“Yes, Brian yes!” I cry. He slips the ring onto my finger and we hugged and Brian kissed me hard and passionate. We looked like 2 kids on high school.

We pull apart breathing heavy, and a thought had popped in my head. I stood on my toes and placed my lips to his ear.

“Synnie, Jenna wants to play.”

Brian smirks, kisses me, and takes my hand as we go back to the car.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jen's outfit

Feedback would be nice....
And I have to write at least 2 more chapters before I update again. So maybe tomorrow or later today depending on how I decide to manage my time.