Status: Started uploading this story onto Fanfiction

In Love With Syn

Chapter 3

Del and I got back to the hotel around 2 am. We didn't get too wasted so I was able to drive back. We went our separate ways and I found myself unlocking the door to the room that Punk and I share. I walk in and see Punk sitting on the couch watching an HBO special.

"Y-you still up babe?" I ask closing the door.

"Yea," He groaned sitting up straighter.

I smiled and went over to the couch, and sat next to him. I hold my arms open and he smiled then laid his head on my chest.

"You smell like smokes," He said chuckling.

"Syn smokes," I say slowly laying back.

“And booze?" He asks yawning.

"I might've had or two…" I say closing my eyes.

"Love you anyway," He mumbled into my shirt

"Love you too," I say and we both drift off.


My eyes shot open and I wake up in the bed.
"GAH," I groaned holding my head.

Phil looked like he's been up for a while. He came around and gave me an aspirin and a cup of water.
"I'll get that for you."

I swallowed the pill and hear Del's voice.
"Jen, Matt broke up with me!" She said plopping on the bed. I bounced around and looked at her strangely.

"Why?" I ask still holding my head.

"He saw where your brother wrote his number," She said showing me her arm.

"Gosh, couldn't you wait a few days?!?" I say pinching the skin between my eyes.

"I was drunk and too tired to wash it off," She said when Phil walked into the bathroom. Then she started to whisper, "You and Syn seemed to be hitting it off last night."

"No, we're just friends," I say with a smile.

"Yet you blushed when he said he had always liked you," She pointed out.

"But said he liked me when I'm drunk," I explained.

"Right," She said rolling her eyes.

Phil came out of the bathroom and said,
"Jen, I'm gonna go to the McDonalds down the street, `k?"

"OOH! Can you get me a McMuffin?" I ask giving him the puppy dog eyes.

He chuckles and says, "Sure." Then he smirked and left out of the door.

"So can we visit your brother today?" Del asked.

I laughed and threw my pillow at her head.