Status: Started uploading this story onto Fanfiction

In Love With Syn

Chapter 5

Just like she promised, we talked. Diggs pulled me off of the bus and Del followed, wanting to know what was going on.

"I saw you," Diggs said ever so serious.

"You saw what?" I ask.

"You and Brian, I saw everything!" She said in low tones. "From the tickling to when you two almost kissed on the floor!"

"Whoa, you 2 almost kissed?" Del asks.

I was turning red, yet Diggs continued.
"He likes -no- loves you!"

"No he doesn't!" I say. "We're just friends."

"He's always loved you! Ever since you guys were teens, he's always wanted to ask you out! Yet you kept saying that you guys are only friends!" She responded waving her hands around.

"How would you know if I didn't meet you `till I was 22?" I ask kind of confused.

"Zacky and Matt told me!"

"I need to sit down," I say sliding down the side of the bus and sat on the cool ground with my hands on my face.

Memories came running through my head. Brian letting watch the band practice, convincing everyone to go to all the shows even when midterms were coming up, and him always being around me when I was scared and didn't know what to do. Now he's trying to kiss me!

"Jen," Del said squatting down next to me. "You ok?"

I raise my head up and see everyone standing there looking at me. I look at everyone's faces and stop on Brian's.

"Jen maybe you should lie down,” Matt suggests.

"Yea, you can lie in one of our bunks,” Brian says.

"N-no, it’s time for the WWE to get back on the road," I say getting up. "And Del and I have to check out of the hotel."

"Oh, okay" Matt said. "If you guys need a lift then we can get you there."

"Oh!! Can we?!?!" Del asked jumping excitingly.

"Only if Phil agrees to come,” I say.

"You're still with that Punk?" Matt asks.

"Yes, I'm still with Punk," I say smirking a bit.

"I don't like him. He seems like a jerk," Brain says crossing his arms.

"`Because he goes against everything you believe in?" I say more than a questioning.

"Yes!" He says smiling.

"Well we'll see you guys later," I say taking Del's hand and walking towards the rental. Del waved and blew a kiss to Matt. As soon as we hopped into the car, my phone buzzed twice meaning I had 2 texts.

The first was from Diggs:
"Just consider dating Syn. Remember he <3's u!!!"

I rolled my eyes and checked the 2nd one.

"I checked us out of the hotel. Ur bags r n front of Del's room. I left 2 get ahead of matt b4 he did something stupid. Love you” ~~Phil.

I sighed and drove to the hotel pissed.
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Thanx for reading!!