Status: Completed.

Can You Save Me From This Hell?


Brody was now MY boyfriend. You have no idea how good of a feeling that is.

We are currently sitting on my bed listening to music and just talking.

Brody had his arms around me while I had my head on his chest. I wish we could stay like this forever.

He caught me off guard when he asked me "What happened to you dad." I froze.

I mean we haven't even been going out for a whole day, I don't know if I'm ready to tell him.

"I..Uhm." I stuttered not knowing what to say.

He looked down at me concerned. He leaned down and gave me a quick peck and said "You don't have to tell me."

I felt a little better that he wasn't pressuring me. I just don't want him to dump me if I told him.

"I don't want you to leave." I whispered shakily. He looked at me a little confused and then looked back at the ceiling.

"I won't leave." He finally said.

I nodded but still wasn't convinced. I decided to chance it and tell him. I mean I was already pathetic, now that he's going to know my past he will definitely leave.

"When I was little." I started.

I was looking everywhere but his eyes. I couldn't face him.

I felt him nod his head and I continued. "My dad was amazing. We did everything together. He took me to amazing places because of his work it allowed him to go places for business and he would always take me over the summer." I felt a little overwhelmed but continued.

"It was great he was my best friend." I said smiling. I could feel Brody smiling but I know it wasn't going to be there long.

"Then I started school and I wasn't making any friends. My dad just brushed it off figuring I would. Then I got into Junior high and still didn't make any. My dad started getting angry because I didn't have friends and I wasn't going out for sports like he always wanted me to."

I took a deep breath. "Then when I was a freshman I came out to my parents. My mom was accepting she never was disappointed. But my dad was enraged. He completely freaked out and said 'No son of mine will be a fag!' He then walked over to me and punched me right in my face. I was so shocked. So was my mom but we didn't know what to do."

"My mom then started going out every night to get away from the fact that my own father was beating me. He beat me every night after being out all day getting drunk." I said starting to tear up.

"It then got worse. He started saying 'Your worthless. No wonder you're mother's never around. She hates you.' He screamed every night. Then it go to 'Not even any fag boy would want you. You're ugly and stupid. You'll never be anything in your life."

I heard Brody gasp.

"I believe every word because If I wasn't so stupid my dad would be proud of me. I know I'm useless and nothing good will come to me so I just agreed with him." I could feel the tears rushing rapidly down my cheeks.

"My mother walked in on it one day and realized she was neglecting me and divorced my dad and we ended up here." I finished.

I purposely left out a part that I would include in another day. But right now this is all Brody needs to hear.

I really didn't want to Brody's expression but I looked up anyway.

I was shocked. They're were tears flowing down Brody's cheeks.

He immediately took me into his arms and I sobbed as loud as I could.

We just sat there crying until we could control our tears about twenty minutes later.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you. Don't ever think you're useless. Your absolutely amazing. Please see that." He whispered clinging to me.

I wanted to believe that. I wanted to believe it so bad.

"I can't. I want to I just can't." I replied.

He nodded and then said that words that made me realize why my life has gotten better. "I will never leave you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the sad chapter. It had to be done.
I find writing so much easier while listening to Christofer Drew's voice.
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