Status: Completed.

Can You Save Me From This Hell?

The Sound Of Truth

These past two days have been insane. I met a friend. An actual friend!

His name's Aiden. He's real nice and funny. Also completely gorgeous.

Did I just say that? Oops.

I forgot to mention I'm gay. Yup I like dick.

Aiden is so new to me. I never got over that he actually wants to be with me. ME!

I mean he's gorgeous with his long black straight hair, and piercing green eyes.

When I was younger I never had friends because I liked all the things they didn't. While everyone was getting their first football I got a sketch book. And when people started going on dates I stayed home and read.

I got called fag a lot and 'emo' but I would just ignore them. I mean it got to the point where everyone kept calling me names and they just stopped because I wouldn't respond to them.
The reason was that I've grown up hearing those names everyday by my father that they never affected me anymore.

My home life was worse. I used to love to play with my mothers shoes and dresses and my father would be horrified seeing me in them. I remember once he shoved me while in my mothers heals walking around saying "Your a boy not a girl! My son will not be a fag!" He yelled at one point.

My mother on the other hand was really supportive. She always loved me and took pictures of me playing 'dress up' in all her stuff. She is truly my hero. she even divorced my father at one point because the verbal abuse got worse. She is literally my saviour and without her I can pretty much guarantee I would be depressed and suicidal.

Up to the point I mean Aiden I thought my life was literally just gonna be me living on the street with a vodka bottle in my hand. I had no reason to continue my life except for my mother and now Aiden. He truly is making me so happy and I've only known him for two days.

Now I'm sitting in Aiden's room and we are playing twenty questions.

He looked at me smiling. "What's your favorite book?" He started by asking something simple.

I thought about it for a second then replied "The Summoning." I paused. "How about you?" I asked.

"Hmm, I'm not sure probably Blue Bloods like I said the other day." He said to me.

I nodded. My turn to ask a question. "What do you like best about your room?" I asked him something a little easier but somewhat personal.

"My posters, they complete my room." He grinned. "Which one of your parents can you relate to more?" He asked a while after thinking.

I grinned. " My mother, she's my hero and loves every part of me." I replied.

He smiled. "Mine too. She gets me you know?" I nodded. I did know.

My turn.

After thinking of the perfect question, I chickened for a minute then finally asked "Are you gay?"

His eyes went wide.
♠ ♠ ♠
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gives u hell177for commenting

The Sound Of Truth- As I lay dying.