Drama, Lies, Tears ? Teenage Years.

im Hanna.

"I’ve never been in love; until the day he came along. I thought he was my forever. Obviously, he wasn't. It was the most enjoyable time of my life. I need to move on, but sometimes I feel as if I was put in his life for a reason. And that I shouldn't give up. Sometimes I think it's my fault, other times; I think it's his for torturing me about holding hands and kissing his girlfriend. I just wanted to know; what did I ever do to him to make him like this? He told me it was her changing him. I believed it. The next day, it was like; he didn't even remember what he had said and how he said he felt about it. And that's when I realized wasn't who he use to be. He’s not the person I fell in love with and wanted to be with forever; figures."

Her name was Hanna Corine Robinson. She was your typical girl; She had long black hair that touched about 4 inches above her butt, pretty brown-greenish eyes not like your typical Japanese girl, She was a mixture of like Indian and Japanese, she was tan but not too tan or fake tan. She was slender, more skinny than average but she wasn’t tall. She was a cheerleader at Palm Bay academy, 8th grade, she was the tumbler; well of course she and Stephanie were the main ones, but there were others. Brittany, a 9th grader Hanna had known since she was in third grade and Brittany was in 4th, was the cheer captain. Brittany and Hanna have been getting along lately, you see since their relationship when downwards after around 6th grade, Brittany had gotten raped one night at a party and started distancing herself from her friends, but of course after a while they talked and Hanna helped her through it, after all Hanna did lose her mom when she was 6, and her dad walked out when she was two. Hanna thought as though her friends were the things that kept her living, In fact one of her best friends would have to be Zoe, her and Zoe have been tight ever since 3rd grade; Hanna, Brittany, and Zoe ..... Those names made everybody automatically say "Best friends" , but what does that even mean? It mostly consists of Lies, Drama, and Backstabbing at Palm Bay Middle ---- Which brings me to Carl, Hanna's on again off again boyfriend; you see everything was fine, they went out from 4th grade to 7th grade, until Carl kissed Stephanie, not only was Stephanie the other girl, she was now Hanna's Arch Enemy.

- PBA (Hannah's POV)

"Erg, when is school going to end, I feel like I’ve been here for hours!" Zoe sighed.

"Aha, we have been here for hours, but relax school is out in just over a couple minutes; and we have a Basketball Game tonight, so come watch me cheer! You'll see your friends and have fun!"I said in an excited whisper.

"Eh, we’ll see I Guess .... But just to see you cheer! && maybe my friends aha" Zoe said.

The school bell rang, and Zoe and I quickly looked at the bell.
"Finally!!, I'll catch you later Hanna!" Zoe said as she excited hoped out of her desk and out the classroom.

Okay than, I stayed and clean up my books. But then Stephanie walked up, "Hey Hanna, sorry bout Carl not loving you and all; I can't help I'm better at tumbling and getting all the guys" Stephanie said as though she actually thought it was a real apology.

"Excuse me??" I Exclaimed

"Well you know since he dumped you and all for me, maybe it's because you aren't as pretty as me?" Stephanie Joked.

"I'm pretty!?!..... Yeah I am so you - Oh and I'm the better tumbler! Eh, Why don't we just find out at the game?!" I said as I got the last part in and walked away.
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new at writing. probablyy suckss.