Drama, Lies, Tears ? Teenage Years.

emotional rollercoaster.

- Locker Room

It was the end of the day, and boy was I tired but that was beside the point. We only had about an hour to practice before the game and Carl would be there so of course I had to be good. I walked in the locker room only to notice Stephanie was using the locker right next to me, no big deal I'll just say hey and act likes it's nothing big, because god forbid I be the one to start the drama.

"Hey Stephanie, You excited for the game?" I say in a fake cheerful voice.

"Duhh! Carl's going to be there!" Stephanie said without looking away from the mirror in her locker.

'Self absorbed bitch' I thought to myself.

"Well, I'm going to go change now....bye.” I said awkwardly.

"Change what?" Stephanie Questioned.

"...My....Uniform" I Said and walked away.

“Oh, mmkay.” Stephanie said as though she didn’t care, because well, she probably didn’t.

- Next Morning

I woke up to the annoying ring of my alarm clock, and as much as I didn't want to go to school I did at the same time. I remember all the way back to when Stephanie wasn't here; I was one of the happiest girls in school, but now it's like I have trust issues and that I hold too many grudges; not to mention I hate getting up to go to school because I have to look at them kissing, and all that kinds of stuff when just the other day me and him did that, But, I was a little happy because last night after We finished our last cheer of the night, Stephanie messed up on her tuck, and I can't say that this didn't make me happy, after all Carl did see it. Anyways I got out of bed and got dressed. Then I was off to school,

When I arrived at school, I was greeted by the two of most important people in my life Zoe and Megan.
Zoe is one of my "main" friends simply because of our amazing past, I was able to cry on her shoulder about my mom; she was there to comfort me with all the Carl crap. She is also quite funny and always seems to cheer people up, she says that not a lot of people at school like her and claims to not be what our society calls popular, and I think otherwise because whenever I talk about her people always seem to know her. “Oh Zoe that funny girl?" and "Oh, yeah, Zoe" Is all I hear when I talk about her, Zoe has longish brown hair, light brown that is, and she has golden eyes that sometimes turn a pretty green color. She is not skinny but not fat, she has what she calls "ugly huge love handles" but I, along with many other people don't think she's fat though. She also has siblings, unlike me, their pretty cool. Their names are Buzz, Milo, Tiffany, Jessica && Emily. Buzz is cool and is pretty chill he has darkish brown hair and surly was not fat; Oh and he's a ninth grader that dates Brittany, and don’t worry buzz is just a nickname, simply cause he likes toy story, if you want his real name its Logan. Milo has orange-brown hair, almost like Zoe's was in 3rd grade, he also is very tall and is very skinny; but he has a little muscle I suppose, He goes out with this girl he met named Lauren, She hangs with me and Zoe sometimes. Tiffany is kind of moody but she does have a nice side, she is an average size and is skinnier than Zoe, but other than that she and Zoe share many characteristics. Emily, and Jessica, or Jessie, they are the youngest of Zoe's Family; they are twins. Emily has Blonde hair and blue eyes with a brownish rim, I know creepy, and she is the girly one of the twins I guess you could say, Jessie always wears her hair in a braid, she has greenish brown eyes; she always wear plaid blouse and a mini skirt with cowboy boots, But she is very pretty; and she goes out with Brandon, Brittany's Younger Brother.

Oh, and Megan and I met because she's Brittany's Cousin and because we have had chorus together before, Megan has Brown-orange hair with black undertones, boy she sure has changed a lot since sixth grade, she had just brown-orange hair in 6th grade and it was wavy, now it's layered and is straightened and thinned down. She is about Tiffany's Size maybe a little thinner, she always wears a V-neck, some with designs and some without, and she wears skinny jeans and converse or vans. Her best friend is Victoria a gothic type girl,
that always wears purple, they are always together, Oh and Megan is an amazing singer, like the best in school. Megan and I sang a song in a talent show, and we won believe it or not.

"Okay, Hanna your officially the best cheerleader ever" Megan Said to Me Grinning.

"Yeah Hanna, and Stephanie messing up! That had to of been the best game ever!" Zoe Said Also Grinning.

"Yeah guys, I guess I mean it's whatever." I said as though I was upset, because deep down I kind of was.

---- Zoe and Megan Looked at each other, and they looked rather confused.

"Hanna, are you okay?" Zoe said worried.

"Hanna If this is about Carl, Please don't worry about it he's the idiot for not realizing what he is losing!" Megan said with a stern look on her face.

"Well thanks, but this isn't about Carl....I think, well I got to get to class so catch you later." I said and walked away.

Later on in class I sat and thought about why I had all of the sudden changed my mood. I think I wanted the attention and I know that sounds bad, but that wasn't the only reason I was sad. Is it wrong that I still love Carl? Even when he acted the way he did, oh well I guess I will just have to move on and stop being so emotional.
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Okay So Half Of This Chapter Was Describing Chracters But Hopfully You Like It Anways (: