Drama, Lies, Tears ? Teenage Years.


It was my first day in journalism, and I was excited. I couldn't wait to write stories,
Interview people and do whatever it is journalist do.

"Hey I'm Megan, my favorite color is black, and I like to sing." I said quickly and then sat down.

“Ewe, look Mary her favorite color is black, she’s one of those emo girls." This preppy girl named Rose said behind me.

"Uhm okay first off emo kids are depressed and over emotional, hence the word emo; which I'm far from. In fact my life is very good actually; and your favorite color has nothing to do with whether you're 'emo' or not!" I said as polite as I could and then turned around. They looked as if they had seen a ghost but hey I was just being honest.

"Okay class, take a seat, and calm down." Mrs.Herzel

"Great, I can tell this will be one of my favorite classes." I said sarcastically.

The bell rung and I was so happy to be out of that class, it was my last class of the day to so I was already on my way home. I came and as usual nobody was there to greet me. My mom was at work, and my dad was well I don't where he was exactly; long story.

I decided to work on my homework. Not the funnest thing ever, but, hey it passed the time.

- Next Day.

I woke up feeling sleepier than I did when I went to sleep; school was going to be a long day. When I got to school some random girl walked up to me,

"Ohmygosh! You're Brittany's cousin aren't you? She is soooo pretty and she’s like my favorite cheerleader!" She said excitedly.

"Yeah I am, and thanks?" I replied.

She looked at me unsatisfied,

"What? Were you expecting an autograph?" I said and then began to proceed to my class.

I get questions like that all the time so it didn't really bother me, okay it did but I was used to it. People only use me to get close to Brittany, They say she’s the coolest person ever, well I kind of look up to her and so does everybody else; but I actually have reasons to look up to her. We've been tight since we were born, in fact we happen to have the coolest nicknames ever, Meganator and Brittatron, we always argued because I wanted mine to be Megatron, and she was always jealous of mine. She said mine sounded cooler.
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Hope Yo Enjoy, Tell Me Who Your Fav Character Is ! (: