Drama, Lies, Tears ? Teenage Years.

the sleepover.

We were all lounging around in the living room, in complete boredom, then I sat up and suggested an idea.

"Hey, uhmm, I now this is kind of stupid, but we should play truth or dare."

"Truth or dare? Are you kidding me?" Brittany said with an attitude.

"Hey, I’m down, I mean seriously Brittany what else is there to do??" Hanna said.

All of the sudden, the doorbell rang, I answered it, Then Stephanie just pushed me out of the way, both hands full of vodka, and all the boys right behind her.

"Party is here BITCHES." Stephanie abruptly yelled.

"Stephanie, you can’t be here, this is a sleepover for my friends only." I said.

"I am your friend Zoe, don’t be so stupid." She laughed.

"Stephanie, leave now." Hanna said sternly.

I had never seen Hanna so serious, it was sort of scary. But, I'm not sure if Stephanie heard Hanna; she kind of just walked in my house, and turned the radio super loud. Then, all hell broke loose when Hanna noticed Carl coming in behind Stephanie. Hanna turned the radio off.

"EVERYONE OUT NOW!" Hanna screamed.

"Hanna, calm down, we'll get them out." Megan said awkwardly.

"No, I'm tired of being the nice one, what the hell; I'm always so sweet and happy, so fuck it." Hanna said meanly.

"Did she just drop the F-bomb?!" Brittany said almost in a shocked whisper.

"Stephanie lets go, this obviously isn't a place we should be, we can party at my house." Carl said, looking from Hanna to Stephanie.

As soon as they left Hanna dropped to the floor in tears.

- Later that night

A scary movie was on, Hanna, Brittany and I were the only ones up, Megan and Stacy were dead asleep.

"I have to use the bathroom." Hanna said quietly.

I nodded my head slightly, but Megan was far to interested in the movie to be paying attention.

Hanna walked in the bathroom, as soon as she looked in the mirror she noticed tears falling down her cheeks, she looked down as soon as she heard her phone vibrate, Carl was calling her. Hanna answered.

"Carl, I can't deal with this right now-" She was interrupted.

"I’m sorry, I’m sorry about Stephanie earlier, and I’m sorry we ever broke up, and i know this sounds like complete bullshit, but it’s true." Carl said seriously.

"Well, you’re the one who made all of this happen, you made this difficult, when your around Stephanie I’m dirt, like those five years didn't mean anything." Hanna said her crying getting more intense.

"I love you." Carl said.

"I love you too, and I know you love me, I’m just unsure of things." Hanna said with hesitation.

"By the way, I'm not dating her, and I love you." Carl said choked up.

"Alright, I know." Hannah said confused.

"Don’t ever forget it okay." Carl Said.

Hanna didn’t say anything back to him, she just hung up. Hanna wiped her tears before returning to Zoe and Megan. When she got back everyone was asleep. So, Hanna went into Zoe's room and cried herself to sleep.