Drama, Lies, Tears ? Teenage Years.

the morning after.

My name is Stacy Marie Williams. I'm not girly, don’t ever call me girly. I am obsessed with volleyball, and really could care less what people think about me. I don't like making new friends, I am fine with the ones I have now. The less friends you have the less drama. I have stomach length hair, its lighter blonde near the top naturally, but more of a dirty blonde underneath. I have curves, and I like them, beats being a stick. I'm athletic, with bigger boobs and butt then most of the preppy, small Hollister wearing girls. Some people I don’t even know call me a bitch, but they don't even know me, I simply just speak the truth. I don't mean to be a bitchy person, but don't mess with me, because I will kick your ass. Isn't life great?

I had to leave Zoe's early, around nine. I had a volleyball game at 11:30. I noticed that Hanna wasn’t with us, she was in Zoe's room alone, but there wasn't much I could do considering Hanna and I aren't close. So I got my stuff, and got in my mom’s car.

"You excited for the game?" My mom said after 3 minutes of silence.

"Yeah, I’m pretty sure we'll win." I replied.

"Well, I hope you do well, you always do."


When we got to my house, I went to my room to get ready, my mom waited in the car. I put on my volleyball uniform, black shorts and a tight yellow shirt. I put my hair up and tied a black ribbon on my ponytail. My mom honked the horn; I grabbed my bag and hurried to the car.

When I arrived to the gym, it was around ten-thirty; I had just about an hour to practice. Before I knew it, it was time for the game; we got in position and started playing. I was first to serve, I did well at first, but when the other team started winning, I did badly; I got way to mad to focus. My team didn't win the game; I knew that if I wanted to win the next game, I would have to train harder.

I went straight to my room as soon as I got home, got my volleyball, went outside and starting serving the ball on the side of my house, I practiced so hard that it was nine o'clock at night. My mom made me come inside because she was going to bed, and she was still mad at me for missing dinner. When I came in I got straight in the shower, I got out around nine-twenty, my mom was dead asleep, and so I snuck out and headed straight to Mason's.
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You will learn about Mason soon enough, but for now all I can say is that he is Carl's bestfriend and Stacy's love intrestt .