Status: :D Active

Don't Try Too Hard


"Haha Chase you rocked out there!" I exclaimed and gave him a high-five as we entered our Tour Bus.

Yup we were going to start our tour soon. It was going to be called Time Of Our Lives Tour 2009-2010. Awesome right? And it wasn't even named after one of our songs.

We all spread across the room sitting in different areas. I sat in the corner of the room and grabbed my iphone.

Six New Text Messages. Wow.. People sure do love me...

Text Message #1

From: Mum
Hey sweetie, just wondering how your doing. How was your pre-concert? Tell Nate i say hi :)

I responded back saying that i'm doing good blah blah blah concert was awesome, and that Nate says hi back.

Mostly the other texts were from my best friend Veronica, back at home saying stuff like.
"Girl! I've been texting you and calling you forever!"
But then her last on said "Oh never mind, your doing a concert.. ttyl :D"
She was such a dork, but a cool one.

Seconds later our manager, Jeremy Rooks, came in the room holding a clipboard in his hands.

"Guys, we need to talk. Gather around." He said with a faint smile.

We did as told and waited for him to speak.

"As we all know you guys are going on tour." He paused as we whooped and whistled loudly."But you guys are also going on tour with another band."

"Who?" Nate asked being the general leader of the band.

We all rolled our eyes at him.

"It's a band called." Jeremy looked at the clipboard to see the name. "The Jonas Brothers."

My eyes widened, we get to go on tour with the Jonas Brothers!?

No freaking way....

"But aren't the Jonas Brothers a pop band?" Kyle asked raising an eyebrow. "And don't they work with Disney?"

"Yeah that's them." I pipped up happily.

Yeah i liked the Jonas Brothers. Sue me. But like being my keyword. I wasn't that stalkerish type of fan that knew everything about them, and I mean everything. No i just played it cool. They did have some really cool music and sometimes it helped me get pumped up before a concert. Oh and I also was not an "OMJ I LOVE THE JONAS BROTHERS!" type of fan either.

"Oye May don't tell me you like them, those pop guys." Chase said as he twirled one of his drum sticks between his fingers lazily.

"Yeah of course, their music is awesome, and they are rather good looking." I smiled and threw a pillow his way.

The guys exchanged curious looks then crowed all around me. I shrunk back on the sofa.

"Let's get one thing straight." Martin started off with a look on his face.

"One: Your not allowed to be in a room alone with either one of them, unless it's all three of them." Nate said pointing a finger my way.

"Two: I you go out with them in any outings, your not allowed to stay out after eleven." Kyle warned crossing his arms.

"And lastly no kissing any of them." Chase smirked triumphantly.

My mouth fell open and I glared at all of them. I frowned and stood up.

"Ok let me set you guys straight on something." I said sending daggers at each of them. "One: Kevin is 22, Joe is 20 and Nick is 17. Two: Kevin is engaged, Joe has a girlfriend and Nick is pretty much single. And three: Who said that you guys could come up with rules for me? I'm almost 18, a legal adult."

Before any of them could answer, at the door stood the Jonas Brothers themselves.
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ahh. you like? I was extremely bored and this story just popped into my head. I decided to make it into a story x)
Any ways. I think i like where this is going :D
Comments? Subscriptions would be nice as well.

Chase <3
Isn't he cute? lol
