
School is just another hell.

That nurse really chats all too much. I tried to eat in peace but he decided that he would tell me his life story starting from the time he was a baby by his parents side of it. He started from the very part he was conceived. He is a very odd man. When he was done prattling on and lunch period was over I went to my last class of the day.

Classes were easy. I went over this stuff in my last school. I had to take a bus home today. My mother wasn't able to pick me up. I felt for a second that it was going to be better to get on the bus. But when it was filled to the brim with girls I had to sit with it just wasn‘t. I gulped and looked at my surroundings first. There were some guys but they were all sitting together.

They all were conspiring against me.

I got yanked into a seat and I felt my skin crawl where the persons hand was. I turned my head slowly to see the boy Taylor. He smiled at me but it was all too girly. He was still holding onto me too. I could feel myself starting to shiver.

"I'm Taylor. Sorry about earlier." He said. The voice he was using was slightly more masculine then earlier. You could hear him straining his voice. I guess he was just born to have a more feminine voice. I nodded at him and looked forward. All I had to do was keep telling myself that he was a guy.

Not a woman.

He tried to talk to me but I just sat still and looked forward. I could see him pout in the corner of my eye and almost tilled over. It was too womanish. It was making me feel ill. When my street came I got off quickly. I walked to my house maybe a little too fast.

When I walked in the door I threw my bag down and headed to the bathroom. I washed my face and breathed in a few times. I could hear my mother in the next room.

"How was school?" She asked already knowing that I wasn't going to answer her. I wiped my face and ran my fingers through my hair. I took out my contacts and put on my glasses that I had left on the sink earlier.

I went to my room and shut the door behind me. I pushed my chair against the handle. I didn't need anyone coming into my room right now. I laid in bed looking up at the wall. I just liked my peace. I fell asleep for a while before moving my chair going out of my room.

When I went down dinner had started without me. My mother was sitting on the side of the table with my father sitting in the front. I sat on the opposing side of my father and didn't glance over at the new thing that was across from my mother.

I remember the day that thing was brought home. My mother had came into my room and whispered to me knowing I was awake.

"Don't worry, she's just your sister. Not your daughter." She had said then giggled. I shivered under my covers as she left.
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Smoking is bad children!

=] :P XD