
Sleepover Lust.

I was relaxing with Taylor at my house. He insisted that he knew where I lived and that he know what it looked like. I didn't disagree with it because he would have just followed me home one day. He had saw my room and asked what happened. The rubble was all on one side of the room. My mattress was on the floor and my clothes in my closet. I didn't know what to say about it. I just told him that I felt like renovating.
He also asked what nails were doing in the bottom of all the furniture. I told him my mother didn't like when I tried to keep her out of the room. His face had become contorted in anger when I said that. I told him to calm down and gradually he had.

We were watching television in the livingroom when the front door opened. I turned my head and saw my father walk in with Maryann.

"Can you help bring in groceries?" He asked when he looked over. He didn't look happy to see Taylor over. I got up and helped him bring the bags in. Taylor did as well.

"Your mother is visiting your Grandmother. She fell down the steps." He said. I didn't dislike my Grandmother. Though she wasn't on the top of my list. I nodded my head and started putting everything away.

"I need you to watch Maryann while I head over there. We can't be worrying about her while we are there." I turned to look at him. I didn't want to watch her at all. I could hardly stand being around her.

"Please Nathan. It's for one night. You may not be the baby anymore but we love you both equally." He said thinking he knew the reason I was reluctant to watch her.

"We'll do it. Don't worry." Taylor said smiling. I turned to him and glared. I couldn't see what was on his face because he turned around. I put everything away with a bang. Before my father had left he told Taylor everything about Maryann. When he left Taylor was holding Maryann making her wave goodbye.

"Why did you do that?" I asked arms crossed to me tight.

"Well, you have to get used to her. She's just your sister. She won't be like your mother." He said bouncing her in his hip a little.

"I don't care." I said through my teeth. Taylor walked over to me and held her out to me. I looked at her and was reluctant to touch her.

Maryann had smooth blonde hair and eyes just like my mothers and mine. She looked like every baby I'd known.

"Nathan I'm not wike mommy." Taylor said in a baby voice. I stared behind her and glared at him.

"Come on Nathan. She's a baby. Babies can be shaped and formed. If you want her to be nothing like your mother you can shape her that way. Before your mother does." He said bringing Maryann closer. I looked at her for a while before getting a hold of her. I held her like I saw everyone else hold her.

I went to touch her face and she grabbed onto my finger. She put the finger in her mouth and started to gnaw on it. She started to close her eyes and she was soon asleep. Taylor smiled and touched her cheek slightly.

"She's cute." He said. I didn't think she looked like anything. She was just ordinary looking to me.

"I'm gonna stay that night. I've taken care of children before. Piece of cake." He said then took her from me and headed upstairs. I allowed him to do what he wanted and laid on the couch. When he came back he pushed me over a little and laid next to me.

"She won't be up for another couple of hours I suspect." He said burying his face in my shirt. I wrapped an arm around him and kissed his head. He looked in my eyes and I bent down giving his cheek a soft kiss.

"Just kiss me alright." He said leaning forward a little. I let my lips touch his and I ran a hand through his hair while pulling him closer. He wrapped his arms around me tight. I pulled my lips away from his and kissed down his face to his neck. I kissed his soft skin and nibbled a little.

He moaned softly into my ear and he kissed. I shivered feeling his cool lips on my skin.

He took the initiative and licked the outside of my ear. I bit his neck hard and he yelled out. He nudged my face with his and kissed me. He bit my lip hard and though it hurt it felt good. He crawled over me and kissed me hard. He went from kissing my lips to kissing my neck. His fingers grabbed the end of my shirt yanking it up and over my head. My body heated up all over and I kept my hands on his his as his lips went further down.

"Where did you learn all of this." I breathed out as he bit my skin lightly.

"My dreams were very instructive." He said then licked my nipple. A small jolt went through my body and I gripped his hips harm. I made him sit down on my hips and he grinded into me. I moaned moving his hips so he rubbed on me more. I had never been this aroused. It was like having waterfall falling over you. Like being shocked by an electrical socket.

"Nathan, I feel like I'm going to explode." He said gripping onto my shoulders tightly. I got up and kissed his lips. He was trembling and couldn't seem to breath. I sucked on his neck knowing I was going to leave a bruise on his neck. He was moaning and his fingers tangled in my hair holding tight.

"Nathan, please..." He groaned out. I pressed my lower body into his and he let out a long broken moan. I kissed his lips as his moans started to stop. His body felt like it was boiling. I ran my hand down his back feeling it drenched with sweat.

"Sorry, I just couldn't stop." I whispered to him as I kissed his face.

"I didn't want you to." He whispered back and planted his lips back on mine.

"Good, because I wasn't done."
♠ ♠ ♠
And Taylor, jizzed in his pants.

