Status: Just Beginning

Never Fall In Love With A Vampire

The Beginning of a New Ending

“Bye Guys!” I yelled as I stumbled over to my house door. Yes that’s right I came from a party totally hammered and I could give a damn, Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. Hi my names Chasity and I love to party! I know I’m only 16 but I love to have a good time. I may get drunk all the time but it doesn’t mean im not smart. My parents don’t really care what I do but if I let my grades slip up it’s the end for me. You see my parents are Strict and they are always working, the times there home is when they don’t have to work, which I may add rarely happens. But this week they both have to go to a meeting in Atlanta, so I have the house to myself. I know you’re probably thinking ‘why did she go out and party if her parents aren’t at home’ its because I don’t want people to see how rich I really am, My parents get paid really well for the little work they do. I’ve been down that road before and let me tell you it hurts. When kids only like you for your material things and how much money you have in your pocket or what you’re going to give them for whichever holiday it is, it really makes you feel down all of the time. Well that’s enough about me, for now anyways.

I got my spare key from under the mat and unlocked the door and did my final wave to my friends and closed the door. I carefully climbed the stairs up to my room and waddled over to my bed. Once I got to the foot of my bed I stripped down from the skimpy dress I had on and fell face first into my mattress.

7 Hours later
I awoke to a sudden thud that came from downstairs. I sat up quietly and listened to see if I heard anymore noise. I heard shuffling about and then the sound of feet climbing up the stairs. I started to panic, I quietly slipped out of my bed and tiptoed quickly to my closet and hid. A few seconds later my room door opened and in came a beautiful man. I gasped at him. I put my hand over my mouth and peered out to see if he had heard me. He stopped walking and listened, he then looked around the room for anybody. He tried looking behind my curtains and under the bed. At last his eyes landed on the closet, he slowly stepped toward the closet door. I quickly looked for my old metal baseball bat that I had kept in my closet. Once I found it the closet door swung open.

I screamed and then took a swing at him, he dodged the hit and grabbed the bat with such ease that I had to give him a horrified glance. He hissed and bared fangs... HE HAS FANGS! THAT’S NOT NORMAL! He just smirked at me as if he could read my mind and then proceeded to grab my long hair. He pulled me towards him and then he whispered.

“Silly girl, first you leave your door unlocked for someone to walk into your home, and then you try to hit me? Bad move in your book” he said as he gripped my hair harder, causing me to whimper in pain. He then brought his head to my neck and felt his fangs slowly grazing my neck. I tensed up and held my breath. He then tossed me aside and said “Get a suitcase, pack clothes and all of your necessities were going on a little trip, and if you think of leaving ill find out in a matter of seconds. Now hurry up” he said walking out of my room and back downstairs.

After going out of shock, I let out the breath I was holding in. Then I immediately thought one word.

“Vampire…” I said out loud, and I then started trembling about how close I was to dying. He was dangerous and I get to go on a trip with him, Oh Boy!

After I finished packing all my stuff and getting so valuable things, I walked down the stairs and thought that this would be the last time id see my home. As I approached the kitchen I saw the man going through my fridge stacking up on food and drinks. He finished putting the things he was using and closed the refrigerator door and looked at me.

“I think I have everything…” I said barely above a whisper. He gave an evil smile and then gestured me to come to hm. I dropped my bag and slowly walked to him. When I got to him he then whispered in my ear and said “get a piece of paper and write to your parents but don’t mention me or whets happening. Just say that you ran away and you’re completely fine. Oh and ill be going through your bag and if I find something that’s not supposed to be there, lets just say there will be consequences” he finished. I flinched at the last sentence; I nodded as he walked past me. I went to the living room and grabbed my notebook and wrote.

When I was done with the letter I sat back on the couch and engulf the smell of my moms shampoo and my dad’s cologne. I smiled. Even though they were Strict we still had good times. I thought of the time my parents were home for the whole summer of 08’. We all went on a trip to the Grand Canyon and my mom started to freak out because I and my dad were going to the edge, slightly peering over the edge, and when we went camping for spring break. My dad came back with a huge bug bite in the middle of his forehead. I giggled at the thought and slowly got up while grabbing the note off of the coffee table. I walked upstairs to find the man walking out of the bathroom. I handed him the note and quickly looked down making no eye contact whatsoever.

“Nicely said, Now we need to hit the road if we don’t want to get caught don’t we my little pet?” he said while petting my head as if I was a dog. I slapped his hand away. He glared at me and punched the wall next to my head. I yelped and cringed away from him into my room. He followed me with an expression I couldn’t read. I fell backwards on the bed I looked up to him with plain fear in my eyes. He looked down at me with a frown. He sat on the edge of the bed and looked at me, I looked at him with a confused face, and he motioned with his hands to sit up. Once I sat up he said “im not normally this mean to girls and im sorry that I hurt you” he said as he stood up and grabbed my bag and walked downstairs.
followed behind him getting a last look of my house before we left for good.

He grabbed the food off of the island in my kitchen and walk towards the garage where my prius was. He grabbed the keys off of the hook of the garage door and unlocked my car. He got in the car while I was looking at the kitchen; he then honked the horn and told me to hurry up. I took once last glace at the house and closed the door leading to the house and opened the garage door. The man then backed out of the garage and waited for me. I then re-clicked the button and ran out of the garage before the door could crush me. I got in the car and he drove away from my childhood home. I reached in the backseat for my bag and grabbed my iPod and turned it on. I looked out the window wondering what my parents would do.
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Ehhh not my best....
But hey! its a chapter