My Parents Adopted the Hot, Conceited, Hot, Jerk, Hot, Asshole of My School. Did I Mention He's Hot?!

New Brother

"See you guys later!" I told my best friends. We just got done with another cheer leading practice. You're probably thinking 'oh she's a cheerleader. She must be a slut.' Well I'm not. I have one boyfriend and we've been dating since eighth grade. And not once have I cheated on him.

My life is pretty good. Well it was. My parents are both really rich. My mom's a model. She travels all over the world. Her last trip was to Rome. My dad is a lawyer. He and my mom met when my mom was getting divorced from her first husband. Even though they are both super busy they always have time for me.

As you already know I'm a cheerleader. Head cheerleader to be exact. My boyfriend is Dean Rivera. He's the star quarter back on the football team. I had many friends. So you could basically say that I have a perfect life. But that's all about to change.

I got in my silver BMW Coupe and started backing out. Then all of a sudden something hit my car. I stopped and got out of my car.

"Oh no no no. NO!" I yelled. There was a HUGE dent on the right side of my car. I looked up and saw a red Jeep Wrangler. The driver was out of the car looking at the front of it for any dents. I went up to him and slapped his shoulder. He looked up and glared at me.

"What the hell was that for?!" He yelled.

"You hit my baby!" I yelled back at him.

"Your baby?" He asked confused.

"Yes! My baby!" I yelled pointing to my car.

"That's not my fault! If you were looking where you were going instead of checking your lip gloss this wouldn't have happened!" He yelled back.

I was watching where I was going! It's called multi-tasking!"

"Oh whatever! You actually need a brain to multi-task!"

"I do to have a brain!" I gasped.

"Whatever! The dent isn't even that big! You can barely see it!"

"I can too see it!"

"Just get it fixed then!"

"Do you know what that will cost?!"

"Money shouldn't be a problem for someone like you." He mumbled.

"Someone like me?!"

"Yes! Someone like you! A rich stuck up spoiled little brat!"

"Fuck you!" I yelled getting back in my car. I do not have to stand here and get insulted by him.

"Nice comeback! How long it take for you to come up with it?!" He yelled as I started driving away. I put my hand up and flipped him off. I drove to Starbucks. My favorite coffee shop. I really needed an Iced Caramel Brulee Latte.


"I mean can you seriously believe him?! Who does he think he is anyways?!" I asked my best friend Natasha. I was driving back home from Starbucks and talking on my phone.

"I know! That's just wrong! Was he cute?" She asked.

"Nats! Stay on topic here!"

"Right. Sorry."

"What does he know anyways? I can multi-task. I'm doing it right now and I haven't gotten in a wreck." At that time I realized I was in the wrong lane and a car was coming towards me. I swerved and got back on the other side of the road.

"What was that?" Natasha asked.

"Uh nothing. I have to go." I said as I pulled into my driveway. I parked my car in the garage and got out hanging up my phone.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I yelled walking into my house.

"Oh Juliana you're here!" My mom yelled running over to me.

"Hey mom." I gave her a hug.

"Honey come sit in the front room. Me and your dad have something important to tell you." She said. I followed her into the front room and sat down on the couch. My parents stood in front of me.

"Honey you know how you always wanted a brother?" My mom asked.

"I had a brother." I said trying to hold back the tears. I did have a brother. His name was Daniel but everyone called him Danny. He was a year older than me. We had always gotten along. The whole school loved him. He was a friend to everyone not just the popular people. But then a year ago he was driving from a party and got hit by a drunk driver. He was my best friend. I was such a mess when he died. I didn't stop crying for three days straight.

"Juliana it was a year ago. We're all still upset about it." My mom patted my back.

"I know. So why do you ask?" I asked.

"Well we thought it would be a great idea to adopt!" My dad said excitedly.

"What?!" I yelled at the same time the doorbell rang.

"That must be him!" My mom yelled. My parents walked to the door and opened it. I stayed in the front room with my arms crossed. I didn't want a brother now. Brothers are either jerks or really protective.

"Come this way. We want you to meet our daughter." I heard my dad say. I got up from the couch and waited for the boy to come in. My mouth hit the floor when I saw him.

"You!" We both shouted. There standing in my living room was the same guy who had put a dent in my baby. I glared at him.