My Parents Adopted the Hot, Conceited, Hot, Jerk, Hot, Asshole of My School. Did I Mention He's Hot?!

You're going back.

Juliana's pov

We pulled up to the house but I stayed in the car.

"Jasper why did you lie?" I asked not looking at him.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"You told Mr. Courtly that you beat up Dean for being a jerk."

"And he was being a jerk. I didn't lie." I turned to face him.

"But it wasn't the full truth."


"Why didn't you tell him that Dean was abusing me?"

"If you want to tell someone then that's your business not mine. You didn't look like you wanted me to tell him. So I didn't." He shrugged.

"Thanks Jasper." I whispered. He smiled and put his hand on mine sending that electrical shock through me again. The more I look at him the hotter he seems to be. Before I realize what's happening me and Jasper lean towards each other. I stopped though and lean back. I can't kiss him. He's my brother. Well not really but that's just... weird.

"Uh thanks again." I told him before getting out of the car. He sighs and gets out after me. As we walk through the door I see my parents on the couch thankfully they weren't making out again.

"Hey mom. Hey dad." I smiled at them.

"Are you ok Juls?" My dad asked.

"Yea. My stomach is just... hurting a little." I lied.

"Good. Me and your mom have something important to tell you." He said. The last time he said this he was excited.

"We think that maybe this adopting thing is... Well it isn't for us. I think we made a mistake adopting so soon." He said. What was he saying?

"What are you talking about?" I asked him.

"Well it's just that Jasper has gotten into two fights already and he hasn't even been in school for two weeks." My mom said.

"But-" I started to say.

"But nothing. We just don't want you to get hurt." She said.

"Get hurt?! What the hell are you talking about?!" I yelled.

"Both times he got in a fight it was near you. You could have gotten hurt. It's not that we don't love you Jasper. Because we do. It's just that we have to put our daughter's safety first when it comes to this stuff." My dad explained.

"I'm perfectly fine!"

"Juls. It's ok." Jasper said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"No it's not ok! They can't just give you back after they already adopted you!"

"It wasn't final yet." My mom said.

"NO! I already lost a brother! I don't want to lose another!" I yelled before running up to my room. I burst in my room not closing the door. I was too upset to care. I was just starting to like Jasper and they do this to me. Everyone leaves me! My grandma! My grandpa! Danny! And now Jasper! I walked up to my wall and punched it leaving a huge hole. But I didn't care. I needed a way to get my anger out. And punching a wall seemed to do the trick. But I was still upset. I saw a painting of my parents that I did not too long ago. I took it and ripped it in two. I started ripping up all the pictures of my parents.

"Juls!" I heard Jasper yell running into my room. He grabbed the picture that I was about to tear, out of my hands.

"Leave me alone Jasper!" I yelled trying to yank the picture away from him. It just tore. I was satisfied.

"Juls stop it." He yelled grabbing my shoulders.

"No! Everyone is always leaving me!" I yelled through my sobs.

"Juls I'm not leaving you." He said hugging me.

"Yes you are. You're going back to an orphanage. They're making you leave." I sobbed in his shirt.

"Juls you'll still see me at school." He whispered. He sat down on my bed still hugging me.

"It won't be the same. I'll be alone here again. When my parents go on their next trip I'll be alone here."

"I can always come over if you need me." He said.

"But I want you to be here already. I don't want to have to call you."

"You want me to be here and annoy you?" He chuckled.

"No. I just want you here. When you're like this it's nice and it doesn't annoy me." I whispered.

"Juls this isn't our decision. You're mom and dad have already called the orphanage. But whenever you need me I'll be here."

"But what if Dean sees me at school?"

"I promise I'll be by you. Plus you'll have Devin and Nats."

"I just don't see how they can give you back like taking a puppy back to a pound." I sighed.

"I know. But it's ok. I have to get packed now. I'm leaving tomorrow after school. So I'll still be here one more day." He said. I nodded my head and let go of him. he kissed the top of my head and started walking to the door but stopped and stared at the wall where I had punched it.

"You did this?" He asked turning back to me with a smirk.

"Yea." I nodded my head.

"Wow. I didn't know you had it in you."

"I just imagined it was Dean's face." I smiled. he laughed and walked out.