My Parents Adopted the Hot, Conceited, Hot, Jerk, Hot, Asshole of My School. Did I Mention He's Hot?!


I laid in bed that night trying to get to sleep but failing miserably. i just couldn't help but think about what's going to happen tomorrow. Jasper is leaving. Sure he said he'll be here when I need him but that's what Danny told me too. In fact he told me the day we found the pond behind the park.

Flash Back

Me and Danny were walking through the park. Our Grandma had died about a week ago and we were just coming from the funeral.

"Why did Granny have to die?" I asked Danny. I was only twelve and Danny was thirteen.

"I don't know Ana. I guess her time on earth was up." He sighed stuffing his hands in his pockets. I took out the picture I had made of Grandma.

"I never even got to give her her birthday present." I sighed looking at the picture. Her birthday was next week. Grandma loved my drawings. This year for her birthday I was going to give her a book of drawings I made just for her. The picture I had right now was the first one in the book. I had taken it out when I heard about her death.

"I know Ana." Danny sighed again. Suddenly a gust of wind blew the drawing right out of my hand.

"My drawing!" I yelled running after it.

"Ana! Come back!" Danny yelled running after me. The drawing was blown right into some trees.

"I have to get my drawing!" I yelled going into the trees. Danny ran right behind me. I stopped as my drawing landed in a little pond.

"My drawing's ruined." I cried seeing it sink to the bottom.

"Ana it's ok." Danny said wrapping me in a hug. I cried into his shoulder as Danny whispered comforting words to me. I looked back at the pond and realized how beautiful it was.

"Danny?" I asked still looking at the pond.

"Yea?" he replied.

"Danny promise you'll never leave me."

"Ana you know I can't promise that."

"Yes you can. You always keep your promises. If you promise you'll never leave me then you never will." I said.

"Ana it doesn't work like that. Everyone leaves sometime. I'll either move from home when I'm older or I'll die."

"You can't die Danny. You just can't." I whispered as fresh tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Ana it's going to happen sometime. But I will promise you that whenever you need me I'll be there for you. Got it? I will always be here when you need me." He said.

"Always?" I asked.

"Always. Even when I'm dead you just call my name and I'll appear and be there." He smiled.

End Flash Back

I lay in my bed thinking about that day and what Danny told me. Tears once again started to fall. It seems that lately all I've been doing is crying.

"Danny? Danny I need you." I whispered hoping he would appear like he said he would. But I knew he never would. I knew it doesn't work like that. Just like promising to never die doesn't work either. It hurt me to know that I will never see my brother again. I can never laugh with him again. Never will I be able to hug him again. No matter what happens I will never see Danny again. There was a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I asked wiping the tears away.

"It's Jasper." I heard Jasper whisper. I got up and unlocked my door so he could come in.

"Are you ok?" He asked stepping in my room.

"No." I shook my head.

"What's wrong?"

"Just thinking about Danny." I whispered sitting on my bed. He sat with me.

"I'm sorry Juls. I know you loved him. A lot."

"I did." I nodded my head.

"your brother would be proud of you." He said.


"You broke up with Dean." I let out a chuckle.

"Only because I promised Nats I would. And you being there did make it a little better." I said.

"Well like I said if he comes near you I will personally kick his ass ten times- no a hundred times- worse." He smiled.

"But you won't be there for the next three days."

"Devin will be though."

"Devin. Yea." I sighed. Truthfully I wanted Jasper to be there with me.

"I just wanted to make sure you were ok. I heard you crying. But I'm going back to my room ok?" he asked standing up. I grabbed his hand.

"Don't leave." I said quickly. He gave me a weird look.

"I mean do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked.

"Sure." He smiled. I picked out The Notebook.

"You have got to be kidding." He said looking at the movie.

"What? I happen to like this movie very much." I said. He shook his head but said fine. I smiled and put the movie in. I climbed back in my bed with Jasper beside me.