My Parents Adopted the Hot, Conceited, Hot, Jerk, Hot, Asshole of My School. Did I Mention He's Hot?!

I trust him. But that scares me.

Three long days with Jasper being out of school finally passed. I still saw him. He took me to school and picked me up. Me and him were getting to be really good friends. I feel like I've known him my whole life. But I get this feeling whenever I'm around him. It not a bad feeling. It's good but that's why I'm scared.

I never let anyone get close to me after Danny's death. The first couple of weeks after he died I stayed away from my friends. I ignored their calls and texts. I didn't sit with them at lunch, not that I ate lunch, I was still too upset to eat. I deleted e-mails without looking at them. I even stopped going to practice. Natasha took over while for those couple of weeks.

But they never left me. They understood I was going through a hard time and didn't get upset at me for ignoring them. But even I started hanging out with them more and more it was never like it was before. I still kept my distance from them. I was too afraid to get close to anyone. I still am. Even though me and Natasha are best friends, I never let her see how I feel. I keep my emotions to myself.

But with Jasper it's different. He's seen my drawings. He's seen me cry. He's seen me scared. And I only knew him for about a week. Already I feel like I can tell him anything. I feel the same way towards him as I did towards Danny, but stronger. I didn't think it was possible. I think I might actually like like him. It feels wrong like I shouldn't trust him but at the same time I feel that I should and can trust him.

Right now it's Friday. I'm sitting in my history class trying to pay attention but my mind keeps wandering back to Jasper.

"Julie." Devin whispered bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked at him and saw he was looking forward. I could have sworn I heard him call my name.

"Juliana." I looked back and saw the teacher staring at me.

"Yes Mr. Warren?" I asked him. I never liked Mr. Warren and he's never liked me. He thinks that I think that I deserve special treatment because I'm the head cheerleader, which I don't, and Mr. Warren does not give anyone special treatment.

"Answer the question." He said smirking knowing that I wasn't paying attention. I bit my lip trying to think about what he was saying when I wasn't paying attention. I heard Devin clear his throat. I looked at him but he was looking forward. I was going to turn back to face Mr. Warren but I saw Devin tapping his paper where he had written down the answer. I smiled and face the front again.

"The Civil War began on April 12, 1861." I said. He nodded his head.

"Maybe next time you won't need Devin's help." He said before turning back to the whiteboard as he wrote more notes.

"Thanks." I whispered to Devin. He just smiled back at me.

Finally the bell rang. I gathered my stuff and walked out the door. Usually Devin or Natasha would walk with me but I didn't want them too. I hated having someone with me at all times. Dean isn't going to try anything at school where there's a bunch of people around who hate him now. Some how word got out that he was abusing me. I got to my locker without seeing Dean. I quickly got everything I needed and ran outside to Jasper's jeep.

"You're in a hurry. Couldn't wait to see me?" Jasper asked smirking.

"You wish." I smirked back.

"Where's Devin or Natasha?" He asked suddenly.

"Ummm I don't know." I said looking out the window hoping he would leave already. I don't know where Dean is and I don't want to face him again.

"What do you mean you don't know?" He asked in a low kind of scary voice.

"I wasn't with them." I shrugged not looking at him.

"Why not?" He was still using that same tone of voice.

"Because I didn't want them to walk with me so I ran out of the classroom before they could walk up to me." I said quietly.

"Damn it Juliana!" He yelled hitting the steering wheel. I flinched away out of habit.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He said trying to calm down.

"I know. It was just out of habit." I whispered. It was the truth too. Lately when someone yells at me I've been scared they would hurt me. But not with Jasper. I knew he would never hurt me. And as I said before it scares me.

"Why'd you do that? What if Dean were to see you? No one would be there to stop him from hurting you again." He said.

"He wouldn't try anything in school Dean." I assured him.

"He has before."

"Well everyone hates him now! They found out what happened so now I'm never really alone! everywhere I go there are people who look out for me! I can't do anything without someone there protecting me! I hate it! I want to be alone!" I yelled out of frustration. It was quiet for a while as Jasper let me cool down.

"I just want to be alone." I whispered again.

"I know Juls. I'm really sorry you have to go through this." He said pulling me into a hug. Over his shoulder I saw Dean glaring at us.

"Dean can we leave now?" I asked. He let go of me and looked over his shoulder at Dean.

"Yea." He said. He drove out of the parking lot.
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I know it's a filler and I'm sorry but right now I have a writer's block. Any ideas for this story is appreciated.