My Parents Adopted the Hot, Conceited, Hot, Jerk, Hot, Asshole of My School. Did I Mention He's Hot?!

My brother

"Jasper who were those guys back there?" Natasha asked as we got to Jasper's car.

"Some people I know." Jasper whispered. I could feel his gaze on me but I kept my head down. I keep wondering how Jon knew Danny's nickname for me. Only a few people knew that nickname and Dean was not one of them.

"You know those guys?" Devin asked.

"Juliana are you ok?" Jasper asked ignoring Devin.

"Huh? Oh yea." I mumbled. Did Jon know my brother? If he did how come I never met him before? I met all of Danny's friends. But that guy would not have been Danny's friend. He couldn't have been. He just couldn't. Devin mumbled something I couldn't hear. But apparently Jasper did hear.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" Jasper yelled at Devin.

"My problem is that your friends almost hurt Juliana!" Devin yelled back.

"They are not my friends!"

"Well they knew you somehow! And just knowing them put Juls in danger!"

"She wasn't in danger! I was right there! I wouldn't have let him hurt her!"

"Which is why he had a death grip on her arm?!"

"It wasn't a death grip! She doesn't even have a bruise!"

"Oh so it's ok for someone to grab her arm as long as they don't leave a bruise?!"

"That's not what I'm saying!"

"Sure sounds like it!"

"Stop it! Just stop it both of you!" I yelled. They both stopped yelling and turned towards me.

"Who were they Jasper?" I asked in a whisper. I was afraid to know.

"Just some guys I know Juls." He said.

"How he know my nickname?" I asked.

"Juls can we talk about this later? In private?"

"No! I want to know! Who were they and how did they know my nickname?!"

"Let's at least get in the car. I'll tell you on the ride home."

"Fine." I didn't want to have to stay here longer than necessary. Jon and his friends could come out any second. We all got in his car.

"Who wants pizza?" Jasper asked.

"Tell me Jasper."

"I will at Pizza Hut. I promise." I rolled my eyes but didn't push it.


"Tell me." I said sitting down at the booth.

"Do you want something to drink first?" He asked. He started getting up but I put my hand over his.

"Jasper." I said. He sighed and sat down.

"Ok. I knew your brother." He started.

"You did? I don't remember ever hearing about you. Or seeing you around the house." I said.

"Let me finish. I knew your brother. I met him when I was about fourteen. Your brother was fifteen. He ran into Jon one day in the park. Jon is bad news. When I saw your brother talking to Jon I knew something bad was going to happen. So I went over there. Jon's friends weren't with him and he knew if he was going to start anything it would be two against one. So Jon backed off. For then. Me and your brother started hanging out more but we weren't what you would call friends. Which is why you never heard him talk about me or saw me over at your house."

"So how you know Jon?" Devin asked. Jasper glared at him before continuing.

"Jon and I used to be friends in middle school. This was before he started hanging out with some of his new friends that you saw at the ice rink."

"So there's more of them?" Natasha asked. Jasper sighed.

"Yes there are more of them. Can I finish now?" He asked annoyed. Natasha and Devin nodded their heads.

"Anyways, when I was in eight grade I had my first girlfriend. Everything was good. But then one day she just broke it off. No reason or anything. The next day I saw her and Jon together. Later I found out that Jon had raped her and threatened her to break it off with me."

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked.

"Jon started threatening your brother. Jon needed your brother to do some stuff for him. When your brother refused Jon found out the most important girl that was in Danny's life. Obviously it was you. Jon would threaten Danny that if Danny wouldn't do what Jon asked Jon would rape you."

"Me?" I asked shocked.

"Yes. Danny had came to me asking advice. And when he told me about Jon threatening him, I knew Jon would do it because he did it to my girlfriend. So I told Danny that he had to do it. Well something came up and Danny refused to do it. So, Jon had Danny... killed." He said the last part quietly. But I heard him. As soon as that word came out of his mouth my breathing started going faster. Danny was killed?

"B-but Danny died from a drunk driver." I said shaking my head.

"No. Jon had the guy ram into Danny's car. The guy was already buzzed so after he hit Danny all he need was a couple more drinks and it would seem he was drunk."

"What about me though? I thought Jon was going to come after me. Not Danny."

"I'm not sure about that but I think Dean had a part in that."

"Dean? You mean Dean told Jon to kill Danny and not me?" I asked. Jasper nodded his head.

"You sure know alot about this Jasper." Devin said suspiciously.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Jasper yelled.

"It means I thought you didn't hang out with him anymore."

"I don't. I stopped hanging out with him after seventh grade."

"So how you know about Danny's death?" Devin questioned. Jasper looked down at his untouched pizza. He sighed and looked back up. His eyes went right to mine.

"Jon is my brother." He said.

"Y-you mean... You're brother k-k-k-" I couldn't bring myself to say it.

"Killed your brother." Jasper nodded. I shook my head. I got up and ran out of the place.
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Suspense! So I decided to make this a little more interesting. Tell me what you think about the twist!