My Parents Adopted the Hot, Conceited, Hot, Jerk, Hot, Asshole of My School. Did I Mention He's Hot?!

Where does this put us?

I ran and ran and ran until I couldn’t run any more. Tears were falling from my eyes freely. There was no point in wiping them away. They would just continue to fall. When I stopped I realized I was at the park. I walked towards the trees. I walked until I came to the small pond.

The pond looked the same since the last time I saw it. It’s murky waters had lily pads on it. The grass, though the trees were blocking the sunlight, was bright green. There were big rocks around the area. I sat on one of them. I put my elbows on my knees and my chin in my hands. I sat like that letting thoughts fly through my mind. But one thought in particular kept flying through my mind.

If Jasper’s an orphan, what happened to his brother?

I’ve went over possible answers to this questions. Maybe they got split up? Maybe my parents only wanted one and chose Jasper? I wasn’t sure what time it was by now but I really didn’t care. My mom was in Italy for another shoot, and my dad was on a business trip, so I didn’t have to be home at a certain time. I heard some rustling in the trees. I stood up startled.

“Who’s there?” I asked getting ready to run. The person walked into the clearing.

“Jasper! What are you doing here?!” I yelled trying to calm my breathing. I didn’t think anyone else knew about this place besides my brother and me. Apparently I was wrong.

“I was looking for you. You took off so quickly.” He said.

“How’d you know I would be here?” I asked after I had calmed down.

“Me an your brother would come here to talk in private. He told me you came here too to think. I figured you were either here or the cemetery talk to Danny. Since you weren’t at the cemetery I knew you would be here.” He explained.

“What do you want?”

“I want to talk.”

“Well I don’t.” I said.

“Don’t do this Juliana.” He said.

“Do what?”

“You don’t want nothing to do with my brother because he killed Danny. And that includes me.” He said.

“That’s not true.” I said.

“Then why won’t you talk to me?” I sighed and look down. I did want to talk to him. I had so many questions for him. But I just… I don’t know. I guess you could say I was scared of him. Could you blame me? His brother did kill my brother.

“I’m scared.” I admitted quietly.

“Scared that I’m like Jon?” He asked bitterly.

“No.” I shook my head.

“Scared of what?”

“That Jon will try to come after me and use you to get to me.” I said still looking at the ground. He put his finger under my chin and lifted my face up so I was looking at him. He was staring at me with the same intensity as he did at the ice rink. He leaned down and kissed me. It was a soft sweet kiss. His lips were soft. I smiled into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands went to my waist. I just wanted to stay in Jasper’s arms, kissing him. But of course all good things come to an end.

Jasper broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against mine, smiling.

“I will never let that happen.” He promised. I smiled at him knowing that he was telling me the truth.

As we were walking back to my house I looked over at Jasper.

"What?" He asked smiling.

"What happened to your brother?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"You're an orphan. So did someone adopt Jon too?" I asked.

"No. My dad died a couple years ago. After that my mom looked after us. This summer she died of brain cancer. Jon was already eighteen, almost nineteen. He could live on his own. But I had to go to an orphanage because Jon wouldn't take care of me." He said.

"Oh." I nodded my head. It was quiet for a while as we continued to walk to my house.

"Jasper?" I asked quietly.


"Where does this put us?" He stopped walking and looked at me.

"I'm hoping this means you'll be my girlfriend." He smiled. I lean up and kissed him.

"Of course." I said smiling.
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Yea! They're together! Comment! Subscribe! Both! :)